Chapter 45

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Oh boy.

Oh boy, oh boy.

Harry didn’t think he’d ever been more tempted with anything in either of his lives.

He could see it, what would happen if he stayed. They’d move into Tom’s secret farmhouse, spend their early mornings in that cosy kitchen, afternoons in the library, organizing all the books they’d recently procured, and evenings cuddled up on the sofa in the sitting room, a warm fire crackling in the fireplace. They’d drink tea and talk about their plans and eventually they’d end up snogging before moving to the bedroom they shared so they could explore each other’s bodies as much as they liked before falling asleep in each other’s arms.

“Fuck,” Harry breathed, a sharp longing for just such a life developing rapidly in his chest. “Fuck, fuck.”

But somewhere deep in Harry there was a part that knew Harry had unfinished business at Hogwarts, that he had lots of work there left to do, and that their shared lives would have to wait.

“I’m so tempted right now,” Harry finally managed to say before he swallowed away his regrets.

“But?” Tom asked, leaning so close to Harry, his warm breath ghosted across Harry’s cold cheek.

“But I’ve still got stuff to do at Hogwarts.” Harry looked at Tom, tried to strip away any masks and offer himself up as honestly as he could. “I want to be with you, share my life with you in every way I can think of, I promise.”

Tom slowly nodded, a resigned smile appearing on his face. “I understand, my dear.” Tom released a deep sigh. “Ah well, it was worth a shot. We’ll just take it easy and see each other again during the spring holidays.”

“Yeah, that’ll be nice,” Harry agreed as he leaned against Tom’s body while Tom wrapped an arm around his shoulders to pull him even closer. They stayed like that, in each other’s arms, for a good long while as the fireworks across the water died down and the night became quiet once again.

Harry couldn’t help his thoughts from wandering to that imaginary scenario, though, of him living with Tom in that amazing farm house. What would they do with their time together? Especially their private time together.

Harry was a clueless little virgin who’d only graduated from the School of Wanking so far. He wondered what sort of sex Tom had experienced in his previous life. Harry didn’t think Tom had gotten any so far during their second life, but then again, you never knew.

A bit alarmed by those thoughts, Harry sat up a little and turned his head so he could look Tom in the eye. “I… er…you know, er… I’ve never had sex before.”

Tom was smiling with dimples again as he looked down at Harry, and at once Harry was glad it was night so Tom couldn’t see his blushing face, which frankly felt like it was about to burst into flames.

“What I was getting at,” Harry continued, feeling a bit more confident now that Tom hadn’t burst into hysterical laughter or something, “Er… what about you? Did you have many relationships before?”

“No,” Tom said without hesitation. “By the time adolescents usually start desiring a partner, I’d already made my first horcrux, which significantly lessened my libido.”

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