Chapter 14

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Harry had no idea how he did it, but Draco knew what had happened with a few select Gryffindors the moment Harry, Theo and Blaise entered the common room the next morning. Harry suspected he may have paid Filch to personally deliver any news before the crack of dawn.

“Weasley and Granger lost fifty points last night. Each!” Draco practically crowed, cheeks flushed with excitement as he all but pounced on them to share his victory. “And they each got a week of detention with Filch. Apparently he caught them near the trophy room and handed them over to Professor Snape.”

Harry was glad to hear Neville had kept himself out of that mess, and he considered what might have happened. Ron would have insisted on going anyway, even after he was told it was a set-up, and Miss tattletale would have tried to stop him. In his first life, the Fat Lady had been gone from her portrait so Hermione and Neville had tagged along with him and Ron. Harry figured something similar had happened this time around. And with no Harry or Neville there to act as a buffer, Ron and Hermione would probably have argued so loudly, Filch would have heard them coming from the other side of the castle.

Though, it did make Harry wonder if this misadventure brought Ron and Hermione together like the troll at Halloween had done for them in his previous life.

One look at the Gryffindor table during breakfast made it clear this was not the case. Ron and Hermione were sitting as far away from each other as possible while glaring daggers at one another.

“Their whole House is shunning them,” Draco said with a satisfied smile. “Too bad they didn’t get expelled.”

Right before breakfast ended Harry couldn’t resist making eye-contact with McGonagall, who was looking particularly sour that morning, probably because Gryffindor was now dead last in the House ranking after losing 100 points overnight. Harry raised an eyebrow at her while making it clear with his bright smile he was very happy not to be associated with her problem student. McGonagall’s eyes narrowed as her expression soured further.

Harry figured he’d get the scoop from Neville during their double Potions class, but when he entered the classroom and made to join Neville, Hermione all but bowled him over and threw herself into the empty seat beside Neville.

Blinking, Harry looked around to find somewhere else to sit. Though Neville looked deeply unhappy with his new partner, Harry wasn’t about to make a scene in Snape’s class. He wasn’t that stupid.

“You can sit with me,” Ron said with a hopeful look.

“Yeah, no. I’ve seen your non-talent at potions and I’d rather pass this class with a decent mark.” Harry turned his back on a scowling Ron and sat down beside Bulstrode, the only other available seat in the room.

“Weasley, you lack the common sense to work alone,” Snape said as he marched inside. “Join Granger and Longbottom.”

Neville looked as though he would rather kiss Snape on the lips right that second than have to spend two hours stuck between Ron and Hermione.

Harry took pity on him, even though Neville’s horrified face was hilarious. “Professor, perhaps Neville can join our table so he’ll actually have a chance to make a successful potion.”

Neville didn’t even wait to hear Snape’s response. He grabbed his bag and almost toppled his chair over as he ran towards Harry.

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