Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

The first thing Harry saw inside Sirius’ room was Bellatrix Lestrange giving him a curious look.

Harry blinked, then blinked again, and wanted to hit himself for almost making the same mistake twice.

Andromeda Tonks quirked an eyebrow at him in a silent question of what he was doing there.

“Hi,” Harry said shyly, playing up his youth a bit. “I’m looking for my godfather Sirius Black. I’m Harry Potter.”

Andromeda’s expression softened a bit and she waved him further into the room.

“Wotcher, Harry!” Tonks…Nymphadora Tonks that was, looked so happy to meet him her blue hair turned a bright pink.

“Hello,” Harry mumbled and offered Ted Tonks, who was seated in a chair in the corner, a little wave. Ted Tonks looked just as friendly and portly as when Harry had first met him. For a moment Harry had to swallow against a lump when he remembered that both Ted and Nymphadora hadn’t survived the war. Andromeda had taken little Teddy, Harry’s godson, with her to stay with distant cousins in France during the summer after the end of the war. Harry hadn’t pressed her about seeing his godson, understanding Andromeda needed time to grieve the losses she’d suffered. And frankly, Harry had enough on his own mind to worry about a baby those first few months right after the war. But he had loved the idea of being a godfather and he had loved little Teddy the one time he’d met him very briefly, when Andromeda had arranged for an introduction before she all but fled the country.

So that was one more thing to add to his list of stuff to do: introduce Tonks to Lupin and hope whatever sparks there once where would still be there in this new version of their world. Harry wanted to be a godfather again eventually and he needed their help with that. Then again, Tonks did look quite young still and Harry realized that she’d only just finished Hogwarts the year before. And Lupin was already at least thirty. Ah well, who cared. Harry planned to one day in the future do some very sexy things with a man old enough to be his grandfather. He was sure Tonks hooking up with Lupin even now would be fine. It was legal, at any rate.

“Harry,” a familiar raspy voice said in wonderment.

Harry turned towards the voice and saw Sirius sitting up in the hospital bed, staring at him in something close to disbelief.

“Sirius,” Harry said before he could stop himself. There sat his godfather, looking thin and tired, with dark shadows under his eyes, but alive. So alive. Grey eyes sharp and shiny, cracked lips drawn up in a tentative smile, teeth already fixed and looking whole and white.

“Harry,” Sirius said, smile growing even bigger.

“Sirius,” Harry replied, trying very hard not to burst into tears like a rather large part of him wanted to do.

“Tonks,” said Tonks and then giggled. “Sorry, I thought we were introducing ourselves.”

“Dora,” Andromeda said with a shake of her head and a tired sigh. “Show some decorum.”

“Are you family?” Harry asked, looking between everyone in the room. “I thought Sirius had no more family after his grandfather died so that’s why I came to see him right away so he wouldn’t be alone.”

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