Ch 6

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Trey pushed himself up on the bars with sweat rolling off him in rivers. He hated this. He loathed this... but it had to be done.

Fúcking physio hurt like a bítch.

Day in and day fúcking out these bástards came to his room to wheel him down here to this... this torture cell. Then they have the audacity to tell him it'll be worth it in the end.

Fúck them!

He had to wonder they actually got paid or were willing participants in this world of torture.

He was here for the deal. He'd refused to do any physio in the beginning until he saw Donna but after finding out that there was no way in hell she'd want to see him his father offered him a deal.

Four weeks of intense therapy and wheelchair or not his father would take him to see Donna. He'd argued with everything he had in him but short of wheeling himself out of the hospital there was nothing he could do but wait.

His wife.

They were married. They said 'I do'. They were bound to one another forever. He didn't remember their wedding day, he just knew they were married.

So why the fúck did he sleep with Elizabeth?

He'd known Elizabeth all his life and being truthful he knew she was a beautiful woman but... there was a dark side to Elizabeth that no one knew about. He'd seen it when they were children and there were... things... he saw through the years that showed her for the callous bîtch she is.

So... fúcking why?

The thought of being with her in a bed made his blood run colder than melting snow on Mount Kosiosko. She did absolutely nothing for him.

Her figure while not bad if you like stick insects did absolutely nothing for him.

While Donna... the thought of her sweet curves was heavenly. A body like Donna's was a delectable piece of the finest dessert. A body like Donna's was one that had you following like a lost puppy.

There was no comparison between the two women. It was Donna that made his blood run south. Her moans as his mouth tormented her body with teasing kisses did things to a mans body that made him ache for more.

He pushed himself hard. Fighting through the burning pain, refusing to stop when the physio said to take a break.

He wanted to see his wife.

The accident had changed so much of his life and he was determined to get it back again.

His life.

His memories.


He knew from the talk of the nurses that Elizabeth had been in the car with him and his mother said she worked for him. The accident that happened at night. Why did he work at night?

"We haven't seen your wife around for a few days. Hope everything's ok?!

He lost his hold and fell to the floor pushing off the hands that went to help him.

With piercing eyes he looked at the physio in almost disbelief.

"My wife? Donna's been here?"

The physio looked at him and blinked.

"Uh... no... I think you've done enough for today. Let's get you up and..."

"Get the fúck away from me! Tell me if Donna's been here or not!"

"Look, I'll go and get..."

"Just tell me!" he snarled as his arms reached up to the bars and all cognitive thought was gone as pain shot through his body as he stood.

"TELL ME!" If his hands were stuck on the bars like glue then he would have grabbed the poor guy by the neck until he answered him.

"Look it's perfectly natural to be confused as your memories..."

"I remember my wife Donna!"

"Elizabeth" the physio said quietly.

He almost fell again but this time the physio was more prepared and grabbed him by the waist. As Trey regained his balance the physio talked him through what he needed to do to get there.

"Hold on for a sec while I get your chair."

"NO! Tell me why you said my wife's name is Elizabeth!"

"She was in the car with you.."

"I know that!" Trey wanted to hit the guy.

"When you came in she said she was your wife."

"SHE'S NOT MY WIFE!" Trey yelled so loud people walking by in the hall jumped at his harsh tone.

"Are you sure? Maybe you don't remember..."

"Elizabeth Foley is not and never has been my wife."

Trey's body slumped from exhaustion and the physio quickly brought the wheelchair to him.

"Please" he started wearily "has there ever been a Donna come and visit?"

"I only started a couple of months ago but..."

"What?" he asked quickly. He needed something... anything.

The physio sighed.

"OK. I can only tell you what I was told when I took you on as a patient. There was apparently a woman when you first came in..."

"Was it Donna?" he asked quickly.

The physio shook his head "I don't know sorry but whomever she was, she was asked to leave."

"Why?" he asked hoarsely.

"Because your wife... Elizabeth... said she was stalking you and trying to cause problems in your marriage."

"She's my wife! That has to be my Donna! Why? Why did they send her away?"

"As I said; Elizabeth..."

"Elizabeth" he spoke the name like it left a bitter taste in his mouth.

"Maybe you should talk with your parents?" the physio suggested.


"Well, if the gossips right then they knew she was here and let her get thrown out."

"My... my parents knew?"

"Apparently..." he hesitated.

"What?" Trey demanded.

"Well " the physio swallowed hard "If...shít I'm not supposed to say anything but fúck... if what you're saying is true" he held up a hand as Trey went to argue with him "I'm not saying you're lying but when you loose your memories they can come back jumbled when they start coming back... but if it's true then there's a good chance that she was pregnant. One of the nurses followed her out because she didn't look well and when the wind from outside hit her through the doors her clothes clung to her and she looked pregnant."

"Pregnant?" Trey whispered "Donna's pregnant?"

"Well, if she was then she would have had it by now, you know, timing and all."

"Please... take me back to my room... and thanks."

They walked in silence most of the way before the physio spoke again.

"I don't know what happened before you came in here but if you really are married to this Donna and you were screwing Elizabeth then you don't deserve to get Donna back. Cheating is the lowest of the low. Real men don't cheat on their women."

What could he say to that? He agreed with every word the guy said. He found it hard to believe the he was a cheater... though he was... but he was damned if he knew what made him do it.

Especially if Donna was pregnant! Having a family had been their dream so why...

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