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Firstly may I say a massive massive thank you to all of you who are waiting patiently for this story to continue. Your loyalty is amazing and at times your support has brought some very much needed smile... other times, not so. Please don't think I'm putting everyone into the same category because I most definitely am not but for those who don't realise, I am a mum of a child with autism. There are words used by many which cut me to the core... the biggest one being retard. That word should be stricken from the human language and anyone who thinks that it's ok to use it in every day conversation needs to have a real good look at themselves.

Why am I writing this? Because of an inbox i received regarding the waiting time for this story to continue. I won't go into details of the who but know that I shall never forget the term "waiting like retards".

This story will continue when I have the opportunity to do so. My son is my world and his needs come before writing right now (and probably forever).

So I thank you again for your patience and will see you on the other side of things I need to finish up before getting back to this story. 

Be happy my lovelies, be healthy and above all else... be true to yourself xxxxx

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2017 ⏰

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