Taking the babies to the hospital

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"Roberta, we have another abortion survival case coming in" the nurse says when she saw Logan come into the clinic with the boys who were from the clinic

Roberta was front and center and ready to accept the boys so they could be checked out as well

"Names please" the nurse asks Logan

"Keith and David" Logan says cause he had to think of names fast for the boys

"Okay we will get them checked out, so if you wait in the waiting room, we will call you" the nurse tells Logan

Logan saw the waiting room was empty so that was a good sign that parents were keeping their babies, and not having them aborted, and he was going to read a magazine as he waited as well to be called back to see the boys cause this clinic looked like it was equipped to handle all the abortion cases if they survive an abortion

"Might as well go for a walk cause I can't do much else" he says as he was going to get up and stretch his legs cause the wait was killing him right now

Logan tells the nurse he was going for a walk, and he was going to be back in a few

"Mr. Henderson you can come back and see the boys if you wish cause some parents get attached to them, and the waiting is the worst part especially if no one is in the waiting room" the nurse says to him

Logan heads back to see the boys and how they were doing, and Logan saw a cute little girl as well, and it looked like she was saved as well  

'We were able to save her just in time when her mother didn't want her, and now she is waiting for a home" the nurse says as he heads in to be with her

"Is anything wrong with her?" Logan says as he approaches her

"We are going to have tests ran to see what she has, and if she is going to be an okay child, and there is another girl that has no legs at all" the nurse tells him

Logan fell in love with the girls like he did with the boys, and they were meant to be his kids

"I'll take them" he says as he looks up after a while

"Okay we will be waiting for names for them" the nurse says as Logan went to his boys, and he lost it when he saw them in little incubators hooked up to machines cause he was not ready for this at all so he was going to see the girls cause all four kids were going to be taken to the hospital for proper care right now cause the clinic could not handle them being this little at all

"I'll give you the names before they are taken to the hospital" Logan says as he went to see the one girl who was almost full term and her sister that was in another room cause she was special case

Logan saw the perfect little girl in her bassinet looking around cause she was in a different place and her mom was not with her, so she was looking at who was in the room with her now and she saw maybe her new daddy was in the room with her

"Hey sweet thing" he says as he was going to hold her right now cause she looked like she needed to be held by someone and not be in that bassinet for the rest of the night

"Its okay Charity daddy has you" he says as he holds her right now in his arms

Logan went to Massachusetts and see her as well and hold her before going back to the boys and seeing how they were doing right now cause Logan had to prepare himself that the boys may not survive at all after this adventure that they had at the start of their young life

"Well, I think I'm ready to go to the hospital with these four babies" he says as he looks at the nurse that came back to see if Logan had the names ready for the two girls and he did 

"The ambulance will be here soon" the nurse tells him

Logan waited for the ambulance to come and take the four babies to the hospital so they could get properly checked out as Logan was waiting Kendall called him to see where he was 

"Kenny, get the kids and meet me at the hospital" Logan says as the ambulance showed up a little bit later

Kendall was going to get the kids and was going to meet Logan at the hospital 

"Kenny, I found the four most adorable babies that can be added to our family, and they are the most precious I have seen" Logan says as he was going to be going to the hospital with the babies and going to get them checked out and see if they are full term or not cause if they were the babies were going to be released to Kendall and Logan that day and if they weren't full term they were going to be in the hospital for a while to get 

Logan was on cloud nine as he headed to the hospital with the babies of course and he could not wait to have them meet their siblings once they got to the hospital


Kendall and Logan pulled in at the same time and the kids went to the ambulance that was below to meet the new babies 

"Daddy, they are so cute, are they ours?" one of the girls asked him 

"Yes, sweetheart we are going to be adopting them and they will be your new brothers and sisters" Logan says as the kids admired the babies cause once the babies went inside the kids won't see them for a while due to rules that the hospital had in place

The girls were excited about the babies and having some new siblings to play with cause the boys were not the greatest and Ben was their doll that they dressed up cause he could not talk particularly good right now 

"Remember the boys are not like how Ben is they will be able to communicate and everything as well too, but I am going to be adopting a child that is like Ben, so Ben has a playmate like how you guys have each other as well" Logan tells them 

"Will Ben have a friend too?" one of the girls asks him 

"In time hopefully" Logan says 

One of the little girls went to the garage and got on her bike and she was going to look for a friend for Ben cause she hated to have him be left out as well in all of this 


The little girl found a child that looked like Ben and it looked like he was abandoned as well, and he was younger then Ben as well, and he looked like he needed a home 

"Hello" the little girl says as she approaches him 

The little boy wrote down some words he was trying to say, and his older sibling came to see what was going on cause he saw the little girl approach his brother 

"How may I help you?" the older boy asks her 

"I saw your brother and i was worried" the girl says to him as she was going to try to take care of the spit that the little boy had coming from his face right now

"Our parents abandoned us a couple of weeks ago cause they could not afford to take care of my brother anymore" the boy tells her  

Part 2 is coming in the future on another day off 

Happy Thanksgiving 

 Merry Christmas 

Adventures with the Henderson daughters wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now