First day of school

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Logan could believe that most of the kids were going to be starting school soon, and he took all of shopping for clothes and everything that they needed for the first day of school and some of the kids were scared cause they weren't going to be with their siblings as well

"Hey sweetie what's wrong?" he asks when he sees one of the girls that was up past her bedtime after he had tucked all of the kids into bed for the night cause they needed their sleep for school the next day 

"I'm scared daddy" she says as she looks at him with tears in her eyes as he sat on her bed   

"Why sweetie do you want to tell daddy what's bugging you huh sweet you sweet girl? cause you can tell daddy anything that you want" he asks as he took her to the big couch so he could bond with her since all of her siblings were in bed sleeping away having good dreams 

She nods as they head for the couch so they could cuddle together 

"Okay daddy can cuddle with you sweet girl for a little bit or as long as you need" he says as he picks her up and takes her to the big couch that the kids would sit on when they wanted to watch something together and he had a another one coming in the coming days for the kid's so they could be all together on one couch if the other one was full  

Once they were on the couch Logan covered both of them up so if they fall asleep they fall asleep that night all cuddled together  

"Okay sweetie since daddy has all of the lunches packed and in the fridge for tomorrow so now daddy has all of your attention to why you are so scared for the first day of school" he says to her as he cuddles with her close as he 

"I am afraid that no one will like me for me and they will not want to be my friend, so can i stay at home with you daddy please?" she asks as she looks at him 

"Oh Lana it will be okay daddy will stay with all of you on the first day to make sure it goes smooth while Uncle's Kendall, James and Carlos will be at home with your younger siblings while daddy is with all of you, and if you guys don't feel comfortable in your classroom he can bring you guys home" Logan says as he was carrying Lana up to bed with him and tuck her in her room that she shared with her one sister 

"What if no one likes me and doesn't want to be my friend daddy?" Lana asks him as she still sobs 

"Give it some time okay Lana cause the first day will be super scary for everyone and getting settled in I am sure you will find a friend after a few days of school, and I can bring your Uncle's to school and we can entertain your friends there and then you will be popular and have lots and lots of friends after that and if you don't have any friends after that wait a while" he says as he tucks her in for the night 

Lana was asleep within minutes and Logan went to read over the preschool papers for those who were going to be going to have phase in day in their class the following week, and he was going to have the little one's home which was going to feel weird for him but it was going to feel great cause that meant that he was going to have the girls and Riley and his brother back home that night for supper, and they were going to be talking about their day every night and Logan was going to be helping all of the kid's out with their homework too

"Night Lana tomorrow is a big day for you sweet girl cause you start kindergarten for the very first time" he says as he kisses her good night before leaving the room to go to bed that night since he was making all of the kid's a huge breakfast to get their day started right so they have the right energy for the school day and for doing their work cause it was going to be a bit of a busy day and week too cause the kids are going to be learning a lot as well as doing a lot as well 

Logan checked on the babies to make sure that they were still asleep and all of them were which was a good thing Logan went into the room to see of the babies were sleeping on their backs still and far away from the crib bumper as well cause he didn't want to do CPR the night before school started, and to have the kid's miss the first day of school cause of their sibling being in the hospital due tot hem being too close to their crib bumper            

"Oh baby come on you are going to sleep with daddy tonight since you are all over the bed love" he says as he picks up one of the girls who he didn't know at the moment cause it was too dark to see the names above the cribs 

Logan was going to put her in her little bed, so she was safe and secured as she slept with daddy that night in his bed

"Night sweetie i love you, and your siblings to the moon and back" he says as he kissed her on the forehead as he got into bed that night to go to sleep with her next to him 

He loved hearing one of the babies snore when they slept with him 

(Next morning)

"Morning peaches you ready to go huh and take your siblings to school this morning huh sweet girl?" he asks when he sees the bright eyed baby looking at him as he got up that morning to start on breakfast for the kid's and start to get all of the kids up so they could help their siblings 

The baby smiles at him as he picked her and went to see if any of the others were up as well, so he could get the babies taken care of first before waking the older ones that morning for school since he lived close  

"Okay come on then let's see if your brother and your sisters are up, so we can get a move on this morning since we have a lot to do" he says as he carries her to the nursery to see if the others were up

Logan saw that the babies were up and bright eyed that morning as well, so he decided to get them dressed and fed before the big kids come down for breakfast that morning 


Logan had the breakfast buffet all set up and ready so he went to see if all of the big kids were up, dressed and ready for school that morning 

V & C 

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