Logan adopts again part 1

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Logan got his badge and he headed up to see Ben

"Hi Benny," Logan says as he sees him

Logan knew he could not move right now so he was going to go to the PICU for the time being until he woke up and that was not going to be for a while at least cause they want to see how his body responds to everything

"You were so brave," Logan says as he was going to hold him cause he didn't care right now

The nurse was going to let him carry Ben to his room for the night while they follow with everything that he was on right now

"Papa is happy that you are okay," Logan says as he kisses Ben on his forehead right now as he was taking him to his room where he was going to be

Logan felt that Ben was damped and he had a full diaper so he needed to be changed so the nurses followed him to the restroom where Logan was going to change him

"Papa is going to take care of you, buddy," Logan says as he was talking to Ben as he was changing him right now

(Weeks later)

Ben was able to be released back to Logan and Kendall and he was himself as well which was a good thing

"Hey, Benny ready to go home?" Logan asks as he was getting him dressed so he could go home

Ben nods cause he was happy to go home to see his sisters cause he had missed them so much right now

"Okay daddy is going to change you and get you ready to bust out of here to go home cause your sisters are ready to see you again buddy," Logan says as he was going to change Ben's diaper right now and get him dressed as well so he could go home and be with his sisters who loved him

Logan was quick to change Ben and get him in his chair to go home and see his sisters right now

"I think I am going to show you how to use the potty I think you may be ready for it," he says as he was getting Ben's outfit on so he could go home

Logan saw the hospital gave Ben a device he could use to communicate with and they were going to work on his speech so he could talk

"Here we go big boy ready to see sissy's again?" Logan asks him

Ben uses the device to communicate with Logan

"Yes daddy I am ready to see my sisters again," Ben's device says as he looks at him

"They can't wait to see you, Ben, they have missed you so much," Logan says to him as they left the hospital

Ben wanted to thank the nurses who took care of him and Logan couldn't say no to his little boy right now, and Logan had to get appointments set up as well

"Thank you guys again I can't wait till Ben says his first words," Logan says as they were leaving

"He will be talking before you know it," the nurse says as she smiles at him

Logan took Ben to the van that was in the parking garage waiting for him

(Parking garage)

"Okay Benny here we go cowboy" Logan says as he loads him in the van

Logan buckles Ben in to go home

(Months later)

Ben fully recovered from his injury and he was talking and he was using the potty like a big boy and Logan was going to take this opportunity to adopt another boy for Ben so he had another male besides him in the house. Logan got Ben a service dog and the service dog was a female, but Ben loves her cause she helps him out when needed

"I think Ben needs a brother" Logan says as he was looking at Ben right now cause he could see the hurt he had in his little eyes  

Logan was going to see if there were any little boys up for adoption cause he was going to be adding to the family for Ben's sake cause he has been seeing what the girls have been doing to poor Ben and it wasn't fair and it wasn't fair that babies have to die cause of abortion

(Days later)

Logan was able to find a clinic who takes babies who survive abortion and they are placed up for adoption and he found a baby boy who was just born and he had a twin brother that had something wrong with him Logan was going to adopt them both

Part 2 will come 

Part 2 is up  and happy new year

we will continue 

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