Kendall & Logan talk

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"Logan" Kendall says when he sees Logan and the kids come into the room with the kids and they had presents for the kids

"Kendall what are you doing here?" Logan asks him

"Spreading Christmas cheer is all" Kendall says as he looks at Logan

"Oh" Logan says to him

"Since the kids are okay wanna hang by the fire?" Kendall asks him

"Sure" Logan says as they went by the fire to talk 

Kendall gets Logan a drink and they were going to talk by the fire

"What have you been up to?" Kendall asks him as they sat down so they could talk and just hang out like old times 

"Being a dad you can see to all those kids i love them and they love me" Logan says as they were still by the fire having their drinks 

"I can see that Logan, so are you seeing anyone?" Kendall asks him 

"No i don't have the time to go out on a date right with all of the kids i take care of" Logan says as he was going to get one of the babies 

Logan got little Ava since she was not a happy camper right now 

"Is that Ava?" Kendall asks him when he saw Ava with Logan 

"Yes the same she is getting big" Logan says as he was holding her since she was very fussy 

"Mama" Ava says as she looks at Kendall

"Ava sweetie that's not mama your mama is far away" Logan says to her 

"Can i hold her?" Kendall asks Logan 

"Sure Kendall" Logan says as he was going to hand her over so Kendall could hold her for a little bit while he got one of the other babies 

"Hi Ava aren't you cute" Kendall says as he looks at her as he was holding her 

Logan came with the newest one he got a while ago 

"Logan how many babies do you have?" Kendall asks him 

"Eight" Logan says as Kendall was going to cuddle with him for a while 

"Can we continue this at your place?" Kendall ask shim 

"Of course" Logan says as they were going to help the kids a little bit

(Logan's place)

Kendall helped Logan put the kids to bed and two of the babies wanted to cuddle with daddy before he tucked them in for the night 

"Okay you two" he says as he was carrying a baby to the living room where Kendall got the fire going for the two of them 

Kendall had the bottles ready for the babies that were going to be with daddy and Kendall that night 

"Thanks Kenny sometimes some of the kids don't want to go to bed" Logan says as he hands the other baby to Kendall so he could feed the one  

"I could hear you tell them it's bedtime and you want to have some time for yourself" Kendall says to Logan 

"I know that is the only time i get time to myself is when they go to bed" Logan says as he was looking at Kendall 

"I hear ya" Kendall says with a chuckle as he was feeding the one  

"That time i am writing music, recording music, answering e-mails and the list goes on and on" Logan says to Kendall 

"Logan i am going to come out and say it" Kendall says as he was fighting the words he was trying to say 

"What do you want to say Kendall?" Logan ask him 

"I love you Logan Henderson" Kendall says as he hurries up and bites his tongue cause he didn't know if that was going to be the right words 

Logan didn't know what to say at the moment 

"Say something Logan" Kendall says as he looks at him 

"Kendall i didn't know you had feelings for me" Logan says as he looks at him with tears in his eyes a little bit 

"I had feelings for you every since we shared that bus and you came on tour with me I picture us being together, getting married, having kids of our own" Kendall says as he was still talking to Logan 

Logan started to cry a little bit 

"Logan to show my love for you i want to take you on a date if you let me" Kendall says to him 

"Okay" Logan says to him 

"We can have a date at home with the kids and maybe Valentine's day we can go out the two of us" Kendall says to him 

"That will be lovely since the kids are getting sick left and right now" Logan says when he heard one of the little kids wake up and they wanted daddy to be with them  

Kendall was going to help Logan tuck the babies back in bed for the night 

"What's wrong little man?' Logan asks as he came in the room to get the little boy that was not happy at all 

Logan takes his temp to see if he had a temp 

"Oh buddy your sick" Logan says when he saw how high the temp was 

Logan was going to give him some medicine 

"Logie why don't I stay with you and the kids tonight" Kendall says to him as he came into the room where the little boy was 

"That i would love and tonight you can sleep with me cause i am getting lonely at night sometimes" Logan says to him as he gave the little boy his medicine  

"Okay Logie" Kendall says as he looks at him and brings him in for a hug cause it looked like Lgan needed it 

Logan and Kendall checked on all of the kids before going to bed 

"Sometimes i get one of the little girls that want to sleep with me, and that little boy is the only boy of the bunch" Logan says to Kendall

"He is adorable" Kendall says to Logan 

"He is the other boys i had were adopted out to other homes" Logan says as they head for the master to go to sleep that night  

"Hey little guy" Kendall says as he looks at the little guy Logan had with him 

The little boy waves to him 

"What's his name?" Kendall asks Logan 

"Ben" Logan says to Kendall 

"Cute" Kendall says as Logan laid Ben in the huge bed 

Logan got ready for bed and joined Ben in the big bed and Kendall joined later

We will continue next week comment on what you want to happen  

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