Preview: First day of school part 2

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Here is a preview of the first day of school part 2 which will be up when work is not crazy 

Logan had the breakfast buffet all set up and ready so he went to see if all of the big kids were up, dressed and ready for school that morning   

"Okay everybody up it's the first day of school and i have a big breakfast buffet set up for you kids" he says as he came to wake them up that morning for school, so they could get started on a good note and not a bad note 

All of the kids started to wake up that morning for school and even the little kids started to wake up as well that morning

"You kids get to sleep in this morning cause you don't go to school yet sillies" he says as he laughs at the kids who thought that they were going to be going to school as well that morning with their big siblings 

The little kids didn't care they wanted to do the same as their older siblings and Logan loved that about the kids, and he was going to see when the little kids can start preschool if they wanted to be like their big siblings  

"Once you guys eat I want all of you to get ready cause the bus will be coming soon to take you all to school this morning and I will be here when you girls come home" he says as he starts to make the beds that morning since everything was set up for the kids to have breakfast that morning 

Some decided to get ready and eat later and Logan was fine with that while the others went to eat first and get dressed later for school and help with the little kids, so they were dressed and ready for the day as well which Logan was happy about cause he was glad that the kids were helping each other out or their buddies out for the day which will make it easier on him a lot with his schedule cause he was going to stay with the kids to make sure that they were settled in before he was going to leave them be and get used to not having him there all of the time, but if they need him the school has the phone numbers of where is is so he can drop everything for those girls in a heartbeat and be there for them cause no kid of his was ever going to be bullied ever in their lifetime or anything else cause if they were whoever did it has to answer to him and him only as well as their godfathers. If it gets too severe he might home school all of the kids if they don't want to go back to school at all and he was going to support them no mater what if they want to go back to school or not  

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