Part 2

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The little girl was really happy that the boys were going to be joining their family finally and she had an older brother that could play with her cause she was the runt of the group and no one wanted to play with her either so she was left out a lot of the time as well so having someone she could play with was going to be the icing on the cake for her as well cause he looked like he felt sorry for her when she found them and he was wondering if she was an orphan or if she ran away from home and he was happy to find out that she ran away from home and she was a very caring little girl as well so having a family was not a part of their plan and they were going to die in the wilderness as well and maybe if he was lucky someone might rescue his brother and take him to a good home and he was going to be left out as always cause once his brother arrived he was kicked to the curb

"I knew you were really excited about this cause you have been helping me get Ben's room ready to go and the older one as well cause Ben and the one boy was going to be bunking together in his room cause it made a lot of sense as well cause the one boy was going to be on medication like how Ben was and his schedule was going to be the same as Ben's medication schedule so Logan was going to be able to give both boys their medication at the same time and stay on the same schedule too

Logan got her all buckled in her car seat and they were off to the hospital to get the boys and bring them home as well cause that night was going to be super special for the two newest members of the family  cause he was going to let them be in charge of everything that they do and the food that they eat too except for the one who needs to be fed through his feeding tube which Logan knows all about thanks to Ben cause he is a tube fed kid and he gets his medicine through the the other tube that he ha, but the one boy was going to be treated like a king cause of where he was going to be at as well too cause Logan wanted him to feel extra special cause of his brother being special and in case their parents never gave him that chance to feel extra special at times


Logan pulls into the first van handicap spot that he sees and he gets the little girl out of the van he grabs the masks of course before heading into the hospital to get the two boys and bring them both home to their new home where they were going to live for the rest of their lives with him and the others the boys will fit in just fine cause the boy is happy to have sisters and another brother as well cause he wanted to be that body guard to those girls the best that he could as well cause he did not want anything or anybody to harm his sisters cause he was hoping, wishing and of course praying for a baby sister as well and a few years later his prayers were answered and he didn't get just one he got several sisters and the one that saved him and his brother was always going to have a special place in his heart forever and if Logan didn't want to walk her down the aisle when she got married he was going to walk her down the aisle

"Stay close to me okay sweetheart?" He asks her as they headed into the hospital and they were going to go to the first room to get the first boy and then he was going to get the second boy from his room then they were going to head back home to get the boys settled

The little girl nods as she was looking at him cause she was going to hold his hand the whole time they went into the hospital to get her new brothers and of course bring them home and get them settled in their new home where they were going to live with the only boy of the bunch and a lot of girls which the one boy was totally okay with cause he was going to be that knight in shining armor for those girls cause if any bully picks on them the bully will have to answer to him and deal with him as well cause he was willing to protect his sisters at all cost cause he loved his sisters as well already too


"Okay first to get the special one then we can get his brother" Logan says as he looks at her cause he had to learn to take care of his equipment that he was going to have cause his equipment was going to be different from what equipment that Ben had so he was going to be learning a lot as well cause their cleaning equipment schedule was going to be different for the both of them

Logan gets the room number and he heads for the room in question aa well cause the little girl won't be allowed in the room she will have to be in the waiting room while he was with the little boy getting him ready to go home then he will get the older boy so he could take them home and get them fully settled in with the other kids as well they will quarantine for a few days just as a precaution for the other kids cause of the virus that was going around still and was not going away anytime soon at all which was scary enough as it was cause they might get it and they might end up in the hospital with it and that was not going to be good at all either cause they were going have to quarantine if they get it and it is not serious at all and they will have to stay home from school as well cause this was serious business and if a student has it they are going to be out for a week or two at the most and they have to bring the positive test in and a negative test when they were feeling well enough to come back to school as well then when they came back they had to have a mask on for another week just a precaution and then they could back to normal in time and hopefully they don't get it ever again cause once was enough for everyone right now and if they get it hopefully it won't be as bad as the first round but it could be if the first round wasn't as bad at all either

"Here we go" he tells her as they board the elevator to go up to the floor that had the boys on and then they were going to go from there to get both of them and of course bring them home as well to get them settled in their new environment as well and have them get used to the chaos that they are going to experience as well once they are home and are settled in and used to the noise that comes to having that many siblings as well and the oldest is up for having that many siblings around him especially the little girls as well too

The little girl was excited to see her new brothers once again especially the disabled one of the bunch cause she saved them both from the life that they were living as well which was not the best as well too so the older boy was happy about having a proper bed to sleep in and proper clothing and proper food in his stomach as well

Part 3 will come on another day off and hopefully I don't get called into work like I did last week and I want to have the views be up a little bit more then what they are now cause we are so close to a new chapter so four more views should do it so share this spread the word if you have to to get the views up enough so on another Monday I have off or ask for it off I can get the next chapter up of course right now I'm just working on my stories as they need work with the view numbers and how my day off runs as well which is not often enough cause we are badly understaffed as well too

Adventures with the Henderson daughters wattys 2023Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon