Part 3

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"Okay sweetie try to see if anyone can call for help and I will be there as soon as I can" Logan tells her cause he had to call Kendall or one of the others to see they could come and stay with Ben right now cause the other kids could not help take proper care of him at all

The girl looked and saw if any grown-up was around, and she was able to find someone with a cell phone and that person called for help and was going to stay with the kids until help arrived and the little girl dad came for her and the other boy as well

"Thank you" the girl says to the lady as she was going to see about the other boy and see how he was doing, and she saw he was having a seizure and the girl told the lady to get another ambulance for the other boy cause he was not doing good right now, so she was hoping that the paramedics come quick and get them to the hospital as well for better medical care cause she was really worried about them

Soon the paramedics come, and they take the two boys to the hospital for proper care and she tells the paramedics how the boys were abandoned and left for dead, and the paramedics were going to see who the boys next relatives if they had any for that matter


Logan was at the hospital waiting for the ambulance to come cause his daughter was in one of them and she was probably withe the older boy and making sure he was okay

"When you get home, you are in a lot of trouble young lady" he tells her once he sees her get out of the ambulance

The little girl understood she had to pay for what she did, and she was going to be punished really good, but Logan might let up when he sees the boys and how they were doing as well cause the boys were not good at all and Logan was hoping that they were going to make it once they got medical attention as well

"Until we get home you are going to stand in the corner for ten minutes to think about what you did" Logan tells her cause she had to serve a little bit of her punishment right there and he did the corner with the kids cause he never hit none of the kids when they were bad, they had to face their punishment

The little girl went to the corner and she was look at the wall for ten minutes or until Logan told her punishment was over and ten minutes goes by quick for the kids when they were standing in the corner as well cause if they felt weird as they were standing in the corner Logan had them face the wall for the last half of their punishment and he was going to do that with her while they were waiting on the two boys as well cause when they were brought in they did not look good at all like they were malnourished and it looked like the older one was beat up really bad

"I think we should go home and see your siblings cause this has been some adventure for you then once we get home your punishment continues" he says as he was going to take her home

Logan gets her buckled in and he makes sure she was buckled in and the child lock was on the doors as well so she could not escape at all until they got home


Logan and the little girl got out and he carried her into the house cause he had to talk to her and the others were in bed already cause it was really late when they got home and Kendall and the guys stayed home while Logan was at the hospital with the little girl and the boys

"Okay sweetheart we have to talk about you punishment for real now" he says as he was going to take her to the couch to tell her what her punishment was and tell her how long it was going to last as well

The little girl hanged her head low cause it was going to be bad and it was not going to be pretty either with her

"It's going to be a light to medium punishment sweetheart and nothing too harsh right now cause you are little and I'm not going to be too hard on you quite yet" he says as he looks at her as she was ready to face the music with the punishment that he was going to give to her cause it was not going to be that bad quite yet cause she was still little and the medium punishment was going to do cause she was too big for time out and she had a hard time staying in time out as well as it was so a medium punishment was perfect for her and hopefully she will learn her lesson as well and he was hoping that she did learn her lesson as well

Logan was thinking what was going to be a proper punishment for her and he went with an earlier bedtime and no IPAD time as well and she was okay with that as her punishment as well, so she was going to get her IPAD and give it to him and he was going to hide it once he shut it off as well cause he hated to drain the battery from it too cause when she gets it back he is going have to charge it of course before she gets it back

"Tonight, bedtime starts early and tonight you won't have your IPAD either" he tells her as he was telling her when the punishment starts and he was going to tell her when the punishment was going to be over and he knew it was not going to last long at all so it was going to be a quick punishment and she was going to learn her lesson that she should not run away from home like that without telling someone where she was and where she was going as well too, and she was little she needed to have one of her older siblings as well be with her until she is old enough to go away on her own

Happy 4th

more will come when I don't know at all right now cause I get Monday's off out of the blue sometimes like really rare right now, and when the Wi-Fi isn't being stupid, and I don't work either period, so next week

Adventures with the Henderson daughters wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now