One year later

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Going to do something different and continue from the last chapter so it makes sense 

Logan was making sure everything was perfect for the kids for their first Christmas ever some of them it was their second Christmas, and he had the house all lite up for them so it was beautiful and was shining, and he had every blow-up known to man in his yard for the kids, and he was playing Christmas music every chance he had to get the kids into the Christmas spirit, and he had the list all plan out for them for their presents

"Oh baby daddy doesn't want you sick for Christmas" he says as he picks up Ava who was not a happy camper right now bed was crying her head off as daddy was holding her close since she was not happy at all that night since her siblings were in bed sound asleep like angels

Logan was going to hold her as he was finishing getting everything ready for Christmas morning since the kids were tucked in bed and was waiting for Santa to come and bring them gifts and eat the cookies that they had made for him and plenty of carrots for his reindeer too

"Let's put some extra cookies out for Santa this year baby since you kids have been very good this year and never been that bad at all for daddy" he says as he went to go and get some extra cookies since Logan had made plenty for the kids and they were going to be eating them for the longest time, and some of them were going to be taking them to school for snack

Logan was going to give her some baby medicine to help her feel better as well

"Here baby" he says ashe gave her the medicine so she could feel better a little quicker for Christmas but that was not going to help much at all since she was coughing up a storm

Ava took it for daddy as they went to see the tree since she was not going to be going back to bed anytime soon either

"See the pretty lights Ava" he says as he sits with her for a little bit on the huge couch that was facing the tree

Ava just babbled as she was seeing the lights that were on the tree and that were twinkling

"This is going to be your second Christmas love, and I can't believe you are a year baby" he says as he was sitting with her as he waited for her to go to sleep and if she was fussy she didn't wake her siblings up cause that would mean Santa will not come to the house that year for Christmas

Ava gave him a small smile as she was looking at him as the medicine started to work and she was going to go back to bed once more

"You going to go to sleep love?" he asks as he was stroking her cheek so gently as she was snuggled with daddy right now and was fighting sleep as usual

After a while Ava did go to sleep for daddy and was snuggled on his chest

"You can sleep with me tonight love" he says as he carried her to the master that night for bed after he turned off the tree to go to sleep that night 

Logan checked on each of the kids before going to bed himself cause there was going to be a good reason that the kids were going to be up early and would want to open presents too, and he knew he was going to need his sleep and he was going to have all of the kids take a nap in the afternoon with the little kids as well so they could go to Uncle Kendall's, James, and Carlos's for Christmas since the guys were going to have a big time Christmas for all of the kids and they were going to sing carols and just enjoy each other's company as well and play games and maybe eat some dinner or have a light snack before coming home

"Night Ava" he says as he sets her in the crib that was in his room for the kids that were sick and they were going to stay with daddy until they were better and once they were better they would go back to their rooms once again until they got sick once more

Logan got ready for bed before going to bed himself

(Christmas morning)

Logan was woken up by all of the kids jumping on the bed to have him wake up cause Santa came and there were mountains of presents downstairs and they wanted to open them up as fast as they could

"Okay kids be careful Ava is not feeling the best right now, so last night was a bad night for her" Logan says to the kids since they were really hyper and were ready to go down and open their presents that Santa brought for them cause many of them never had a proper Christmas and this was a special treat and were excited to see what they got from Santa and from Logan too

The kids backed off and headed down to see their stack and wait for breakfast since Logan picked up a lot of breakfast goodies the day before from the local bakeries, and other goodies as well for the kids so they could have proper Christmas as well and one to remember until next year when he will do it all over again for them which he will in a heartbeat for those kids

"Ava daddy is going to let you sleep a little longer" he says as he puts her back in the crib for now since she woke up and she was not happy, and she ended up getting sick on him during the night and she was really fussy too on top of being sick

Logan grabbed the monitor so if she woke up he could hear her from downstairs and he could come up to check on her

"Okay kids let's have breakfast and get a family photo, and send it to everyone" he says as he came into the kitchen to get the kids their breakfast before they opened some presents and many of them were wanting to play and he was going to spend some time with the kids one on one after they all opened a little bit and if they wanted to keep opening they could and if they wanted to wait that was okay too

The kids were excited about a family photo, and they were going to open presents in a little bit

(Much later)

"I think you kids are pretty happy right now, and let's go spread some Christmas cheer" he says as he was talking to the kids as they were playing happily with their toys

"Where?" one of the Henderson kids sks him

"To the people who can't have a Christmas" he says to the kids since he loaded the toys up and everything else in a huge trailer that he got the day before and he had the kids load up their old toys and toys that they didn't play with anymore, and they were going to give them to kids who can't have Christmas

The kids were excited to go and spread cheer and little does Logan know Kendall is going to be there as well 


"Logan" Kendall says when he sees Logan and the kids come into the room with the kids and they had presents for the kids  

"Kendall what are you doing here?" Logan asks him 

"Spreading Christmas cheer is all" Kendall says as he looks at Logan 

"Oh" Logan says to him 

"Since the kids are okay wanna hang by the fire?" Kendall asks him 

"Sure" Logan says as they went by the fire 

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