🔱Chapter 7🔱

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I woke up early in the morning and did my bathroom routine then i went down stairs for some well deserved breakfast.

I am seriously hungry as i didnt eat much yesterday as my nerves were playing up on me.

Okay so today is the day i am now offically 18 years old and i am nervous as i might find my mate my wolf keeps telling me that its a good thing but something in my gut tells me diffrent.

I went for a run after i had my breakfast which was so refreshing it kind of helped abit but when i got back home i could sence someone watching me again.

I hate it knowing someone is watching me its must feel the same way for a deer as they are being watched by us wolfs when we go hunting, my skin feels to prickly as i get that same gut feeling like i had this morning.

Its not as bad but what ever it is i hope it stops soon i dont wanna feel like this not today as its my party later on, i have an appointment at the spar later with the girls and my mom while dad takes my male friends out hunting so we will have some fresh meat for later.

They hate hunting the day before as they have to store the meat in a cooler and my dad says meat should be ate while its fresh as its more tender and juicy which it is true.

And with being wolves we eat alot of meat so they had to take a few other pack member to get more, dad reacons we need at least 6 deers and a few boars and maybe some rabbits.

Then in a few months i can go hunting with them as it will be bear season which i cant wait for as it will be my first time hunting big game, but before i can do that dad has to train me up some more as be said bears ae alot harder to kill them a deer.

I am also gonna make a blanket with my bear skin as we always use everything of the animals that provide us with food so we give thanks to our moon goddess, its a traditional thing with us werewolves as we dont hunt for sport just for food and essentials.


Its now 6pm and we went to the spar for some relaxing therapy, i got my nails done and my hair, make up all i need now is to put my dress on them we can go to my party as it starts at 7pm. The ballroom isnt far from our home so ot wont take long to walk to it which is good with having to wear heels.

As we walk down the path way towards the ballroom i start getting that gut feeling again which is so uncomfy, its like my insides are twisting i end up playing with my fingers while walking towards the beautiful building.

As we enter and we walk around i walk close to some guys sniffing to see if i pick up on my mates scent, but so far i havent picked anything up apart from some nasty colognes which are seriously strong, Damn some people need to relax on the sprays.

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