🔱Chapter 13🔱

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As i think what my mom told me about layla i wonder to myself what i could do behind the sceens without anyone knowing that it was me even if it makes layla look good without her breaking a single nail.

Well i have decided to block my scent out so Asher cant smell me and tonight i will break into his office and find out what is needed to be done just so Asher doesnt have to worry and over work alot.

It is gonna be difficult for me but i had to created a chemical that can remove Ashers scent from his room which will only last for the time i am in their so it doesnt drive my wolf crazy.

But i wait until midnight i know then he wont be in his office as Justin always comes home after that time and there is no way Asher will work without him.

But for now i will go out with my friends to get new stuff for college and i also have to buy a new dress because my mom informed me that Asher has decided we will be holding the Annual Moon Ball which will be in a few month where all the packs come to find a mate.

My mom thinks my mate will be in one of those packs, i so wish i could tell her the truth as its killing me inside because i hate having to lie to her about this.


I wake up after a 5 hour naps after dinner and grab a shower before i go over to Ashers office i also have to make sure i have my ipad so i can keep an eye on the cameras near Ashers bedroom so i will know when he leaves his bedroom.

I dont want him moving around and walking in on me as i wont be able to pick his scent up once i spray the room and i also remember to block my own scent.

Well time to go and get this all sorted and i think if i play my cards right i will also put a limit on Layla's credit card lol well the money does belong to the pack and she aint pulling her weight to look after the pack so why should she be paid for doing nothing.

As i enter the window to Ashers office i spray the room and i climb in and set my ipad up near Ashers laptop so i can keep an eyes out.

I click away on his laptop and i manage to sort out alot of things that will be needed to be done, and now i am looking at the Annual Moon Dance Invitations which not one have been sent out yet so i decided to to check the name of packs and send them all the invites so thats another responsiblity of layla's todo list down.

I even make sure that all the new text books and art supplies for the school have been ordered and all the food for the pack house.

I also made sure to email the main catering company we use so they can be on stand by for the numbers of people coming to the moon ball so they can also hire staff.

Then i send the email to confirm the party people who come out ever annual moon ball to decorate the hall which takes at least 3 weeks to fully decorate as its a big building.

And i also end up checking on the pack bills, i make sure that everything has been paid and that money from our companies all over the world are doing good. Which is alot as our pack gains about 10 billion amonth with splits between the company and the pack, well we do have alot of werewolves living here who also work for our company in the cities along side humans.

I didnt realise how much stuff Asher had to do, layla didnt really have that many well i should mean Alice as she is the one who does everything even though she is suppost to be retired now since layla is suppost to be the luna.

Fake ass shit stirring luna who rather spends the pack money on designer stuff then actually caring for the people who she grew up with, Makes me wonder what on earth Asher sees in her.

Well i better turn of the laptop and go to my bed now, i just hope Asher manages to relax after everything has been done for him.

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