Chapter Twelve (TW⚠️)

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Carter stands up to face them. Revealing everything, forgetting she's not covered up.

"Carter..." Samantha says softly, trying to hold herself together as her eyes travel along Carter's body, seeing the scars, the bruises...

"He did this to you?" Charlie's voice cracks, approaching Carter, but she takes a step back.

"No." Carter says, she looks around and finds a hoodie on the floor and quickly slips it on.

"Don't lie to us!" Liam yells

"We read your journal, we know what Damon did to you. We know what you've been doing to yourself." Erick says

"Who cares!? I'm fine!" Carter yells at them.

"You're not fine, Carter! You're mentally sick, and you didn't tell us!" Maria cries out.

Hearing Maria say that confirmed that they still don't know about Carter's other illness. 

"It's not something one just brings up over lunch! 'Oh by the way guys, I have suicidal depression. I inflict self-harm every few days or more to numb my pain. More after Damon. But I'm fine, how are you?'" Carter says angrily

"Damon hurt you! Don't you think that's something we should know? Your mom? The police?!" Liam says

"I don't need anyone's help! He didn't get what he was after!" Carter yells

"That you know of! You wrote that all you remember was him on top of you. You smashed a bottle on his head. Carter, you woke up in the damn woods! Look at your body! The evidence is right there!" Samantha points out.

"No! Okay, no! Just stop! Stop pretending that you care what happens to me! I told you that I didn't want to go out with him, and you didn't care. No, you didn't twist my arm and force me to go, but I still went. I chose to go! So what he did to me, that's on me. That's my fault! So stop with the pity and just leave!" Carter screams, her heart racing, eyes welling up with tears.

"We're worried about you!" Charlie tries to approach her again, but she backs up even further.

"What Whitney and the other girls said to you was all just out of jealousy. They have no idea what they're talking about. They only wish they had someone like you in their corner." Maria says

"Carter, please let us help you. We can get you help, there are so many options out there. Therapy, medications-" Liam was saying when Carter cut him off.

"You guys need to leave." she says looking down at the ground.

"What?" Erick asks

"I said. Leave." Carter says a little louder, more stern. This time looking up at them.

"We are not leaving." Maria says

"Especially not now. Carter, we can help you. You don't need to be feeling the way you are." Charlie says

"I don't need help. I can stop on my own." Carter says

"We have to get you help. We can talk to your mom-" Liam begins to say

"No! Please don't tell her! I promise I'll stop, I promise. Please. Please just leave." Carter starts to cry, done holding back her tears. Her worst fear is her mom finding out what she was doing to her body, she knew it would destroy her even more. 

Charlie slowly approaches her, and this time she doesn't move away.

"No... please go, please." she cries

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