Chapter 2

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A dark brown haired guy with slight subtle, tan skin, and honey-brown eyes was sitting in the overseer's office that looked over the rink and had a bunch of control panels, buttons, switches, really anything. He was already taught how everything worked. It was easy money to him because he knew no one really came here, but he still enjoyed the work he'd have to do. The main overseer employee was just supervising in case he needed any help. They both just had some mindless conversation until the senior employee stood up and smiled, walking closer to the window to look at the rink.

"Hey that muffin is here again! Here Sapnap- play this disc once he gets on the rink!" the employee grinned as he pulled out a disc from one of the drawers.

Sapnap tilted his head as he looked out. "Bad, who's that?" he asked.

"Oh! he's a regular, really the only one. He knows almost everyone who works here." Bad explained.

They watched him get on the ice and saw the guy visibly relax before flashing a smile to the booth and sending a thumbs up. Bad waved and Sapnap inserted the disc to play.

When the music started he saw how in-sync the man was with the music. Gliding across the ice as if he was made for skating. The jumps were graceful, mostly flawless, but the complicated ones sometimes had a step out. Overall, Sapnap was mesmerized. He'd never seen someone as beautiful as that. Bad noticed this and smiled, but said nothing. Sapnap's eyes followed the guy's movement across the ice at all times. Bad just sat back on his phone, already having been seeing Quackity skate for a while now.

The brunet didn't notice how much time passed and only looked away once he noticed the skater taking a break. He turned to Bad, his eyes wide and curious.

"What's his name? He was so cool! Did you see the way he flawlessly flew across the ice? He looked so cool! How-" he was interrupted by Bad's laughing.

"Sapnap, you look like a kid who tasted cotton candy for the first time, relax. I only know that his name is Quackity and he's 25, a regular," he said as he patted Sapnap's shoulder. Bad showed some videos of Quackity's best routines that were recorded. Sapnap learned that he was pretty flexible, which he also found to be absolutely mind boggling.

Time passed and he noticed Quackity getting back on the ice so he decided he wanted to watch more. He swore he saw the silhouette of a swan once.

He also took notice of the people who walked in a bit after, a cute guy and a kid. Sapnap wonders who they are.

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