Chapter 9 (Karl)

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Karl woke up, snuggled with both of his boyfriends and smiled. It was pretty early, so he got up to shower. His hair was damp afterwards, but he just let it air dry. He grabbed a monster out of the fridge and sat on the couch waiting for the time to hit 6:30 AM so he could be on his way to babysit Tubbo, Tommy, and another kid named Ranboo.

The brunet scrolled through his phone while a random show was playing on the tv at a quiet volume. Suddenly, he got a notification from his father, who was asking to call. He got up and walked out to the front porch and called his dad's number. When he picked up, he got a sinking feeling.

"Hello Katie."

"Hi dad."

"You know, me and your mother think you should come back home. You aren't doing anything important with your life anyways."

"Father, as much as I would want to, I can't. I have a life here."

"It can't be anything that important. I know you still dress like a slob all the time, it's time you learn to be more professional and actually succeed in your life."

"No, dad. I have a great income from what I do online to support me and I have two people I love here. I don't want to be dragged back to somewhere I don't want to return to, with or without them."

"Congrats! My lovely daughter has two lovers!"


"Anyways, Katie. Unfortunately you don't have a choice. I'm your father so you need to listen to me."

"Dad, I'm a grown ass adult. I don't have to listen to you."

"DON'T. Talk back to me, Katelyn. You don't have a choice. Come back home."

Karl froze. He inhaled and exhaled feeling like his mouth was sewn shut. He's always had trouble with his parents when they raise their voices just slightly towards him. Growing up, his mother and father had raised him to listen to them all the time. He's tried hard to break the braincell that keeps telling him to not make them angry and listen to what they want him to do.



"Good. We'll see you soon, daughter."

With that, his dad hung up. Karl just let his arm go limp, still holding his phone. He looked at the sky, inhaled, exhaled, then checked the time. He had 5 more minutes so he decided to be on his way to babysit.

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