Chapter 11 (Karl)

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Karl sighed as he drove down the freeway. He really was going back to his parent's house. He listened to music he plugged in while eating fast food. He checked the rearview mirror, wondering if his boyfriends were alright with this.

When he arrived he took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Karl heard the sound of dogs barking from inside the house. It made him smile. At least he'd get to see the dogs. The door opened with a creak.

"I'm home dad," Karl tried with a smile.

His dad grinned and looked him up and down before noticing the other two boys behind him. His grin faltered for a moment before he welcomed them in.

"Come in! Your mother has prepared some food!" Karl's father said.

The two boys followed their lover into his family's house giving polite greetings to his father. Karl knelt as he greeted the dogs who ran up to him and gave him an excited welcome back, then greeted the newcomers.

"I won't be here for long, dad. We already ate anyways," Karl just dismissed his father.

"Katelyn. You do not speak to me like that in this house," the father warned.

"No one is named Katelyn here, sir," Sapnap said calmly with a polite smile. Though it clearly hid his seething anger.

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot people call her by a different name. Katelyn is also known as Karl here. We don't care if people call her a different name though. But in this house, we've always known her as a girl named Katelyn. So me and her mother will continue to call her that since we gave her that name. She's our little girl," the father smiled kindly as if that made any sense at all.

Karl visibly shut down. His boyfriends noticed it. Quackity kept smiling as he talked to the sperm donor. "No, he is your little boy named Karl. Was and always will be a male-" Karl's mother walked in and started listening "-You call him something he clearly isn't, and it makes him extremely uncomfortable. You may have given birth to a girl named Katelyn, but she doesn't exist anymore. This is your son, Karl. Get used to it already," Quackity shut down his father.

"Oh, but it really hurts to see the little girl I raised and gave a name to reject who she is and reject her family! Besides, she doesn't care, she's said so," the mother explained.

"Then you must be a terrible mother. You aren't allowing your child to become who he wants to be because of your selfishness. Oh it hurts that you have a little boy instead of a little girl now? It doesn't matter because you should support your child anyways. He wasn't rejecting his family, he wasn't rejecting anyone. He was being himself. Plus, you don't even notice when your child is visibly uncomfortable? You knew him his whole life, and you never tried to pick up on anything. Get over it, you have a son and his name is Karl," Sapnap stated in a calm voice, but a really annoyed face.

"You cannot tell me how to raise my children," she scowled.

"Just stop. Jessie, you and Robert have caused me so much emotional pain growing up. Yes, we had fun times, fun moments, but they were heavily outweighed with all the pain you've caused," Karl stated firmly. "I only came to say one last goodbye before I left for good."

"Oh c'mon Katie. No need to villainize us-" Jessie started before being cut off.

"No, no more. I'm not a girl. I'm not your little girl. I'm not Katelyn. I'm not Katie. I am Karl. I am male. I am a boy. And I am no longer a part of this family," Karl snapped before walking out with the other two trailing behind him with proud grins on their faces.

All three got in the car and let out a huge breath they didn't know they were holding. They looked at each other before laughing. Karl started driving away while Quackity had the aux.

The 3 idiots fall more for each other every day.

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