One Night Only

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Normani Hamilton was a 30 year old wedding planner, but not just any wedding planner. She was one of the best damn planners to be born. She didn't start off that way, it took her ten years to make a name for herself. She was hard working and her dedication was unwavering. Every celeb wanted her to plan their special day.

"Ms. Hamilton, your 2 o'clock is here."

"Thank you Miya, send them in please."

Normani pulls out the binder that contains the wedding plans for the couple that was coming in. She had been in constant contact with one of the brides, but today she was meeting with them both to get the rest of the details sorted out.

She looks up just as the couple enters the office. She stands, making her way around the desk to greet them. She hugs Bernice while giving Dinah a handshake.

"Hey Normani."

"Hello, Bernice. It's good to see you again. And you must be Dinah, nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too."

She gestures to them to take a seat in the chairs across from her desk. As she settles back into her chair she gets a closer look at Dinah. The woman looks vaguely familiar to her, but she can't quite remember from where. Dinah was having similar thoughts, but she too was drawing a blank.

They were about thirty minutes into their wedding planning when Dinah got bored, so she started glancing around the office. She was looking at all of the pictures Normani had hanging up behind her desk when her eyes fell upon the woman's degree.

Normani Kordei Hamilton... Kordei? She couldn't figure out why that name stood out to her. She kept repeating the name in her head, then she remembered. How could she have forgotten?


4 months ago...

Dinah Jane Hansen was one of the richest females in the world, but no one really knew what she looked like. The world knew her as DJ Hansen, a faceless ghost. She was as low key as they came. She hated the spotlight, so she made sure to stay out of it.

She was the founder of the top tech company in the United States, D.H. Technology. She had just made one of the biggest profits of her career and how did she decide to celebrate? By going to the club with her two best friends since birth, Kehlani and Zendaya.

She was happy her fiancé, Bernice, was out of town doing a club hosting. She just wanted to let loose with her friends. Dinah loved the girl, but there was still something missing between the two. They had been friends since college, the girl was there for her since the beginning and Dinah was grateful for that.

It wasn't until a few years ago that Bernice admitted her feelings for Dinah. The taller girl had never really looked at Bernice as nothing more than a friend, but she decided to give them a chance anyway. Somewhere along the way she started to develop a fondness for the shorter woman.

She loved the way Bernice believed in her ideas and supported her, she knew then that the woman was worth keeping. Her proposal wasn't really out of love, more so out of gratitude. She felt it was the least she could do to show how thankful she is. She owed her that for sticking with her.

She's knocked out of her thoughts when Kehlani nudges her shoulder. She looks over at her very tipsy friend who's looking at her with a lazy smile on her face. She shakes her head letting a laugh escape her lips. They all were a bit tipsy, but Kehlani was borderline drunk.

"What Lani?"

"Come take shots with us."

"We've been here for an hour and I've already had five shots and you keep handing me the bottle of Patron every ten minutes. So no, go ask Zen."

Norminah One- Shots Where stories live. Discover now