Star-crossed Love III

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Upstairs after Artemis leaves...

The kids get ready for bed as soon as their mother leaves the room. They silently stand in the conjoined bathroom as two siblings brush their teeth at the sink and the other two stand in between them washing their faces. Castor huffs a breath before opening his mouth.

"That fucking story can't be the truth right?"

"It has to be, Alya used her gift. It's impossible that it's wrong." Lux.

"He's right, we just need to figure out why we can't remember being a family with mom and Au—mama?" Gem.

"I don't know guys, maybe we should leave this shit alone." Aries.

The three siblings quickly begin protesting, the youngest sister groans at their stubbornness.

"You want to just quit when we're so close? Why?" Lux.

"I'm just saying that maybe mom might have her reasons for not telling us and we should just wait until the morning to talk to her."

They look at her strangely and she huffs out a breathe, her eyes rolling. In that moment all the triplets saw was a younger version of Gemini staring back at them in annoyance.

"What the fuck y'all staring for?"

"You called her mom without hesitation." Gem.


"That shit just strange that it comes so naturally out yo mouth. Like you been saying it all yo fucking life." Cass.

"And now you want us to stop learning more to remember our forgotten lives together. You're being real fucking suspect all of a sudden." Gem.

"And not to mention Sibling Code:#7, never end operations before they're completed." Lux.

Her eyes bounce between all three matching eyes as they intensely stare her down, but Aries doesn't flinch from their glares. They drop their matching frowns then Pollux speaks up with sincere eyes.

"What aren't you telling us, Aries?"



All three scream before the girl goes silent as they look over at their sister with accusing eyes. She can see how angry they are, but they wouldn't do anything but make idle threats because she was their sister after all and they'd never hurt her intentionally. This time it's Gemini who is first to speak with sympathy.

"Siblings don't lie to each other, remember?"

The other two nod as they all speak at once.

"Sibling Code:#1."

The youngest girl's anguish filled eyes bounce from one child to the next repeatedly. She feels bad for what she's about to do, but she can't break this promise. She squares her shoulders and looks at them with finality, her soft voice sounding through the room.

"I can't say anything."

No one says anything else as they stare at each other. A rush of air blows and a wave of rainbow quickly shoots through the room before disappearing. The three kids wince for a few seconds before their eyes pop open, jaws drop and they utter the exact same words in sync once again.

"I remember what the fuck happened."


"Artie... what did you do?"

The woman didn't respond... What was she supposed to say?

'I just changed your memories for a couple of months to buy time to enact the plan you told me not to?'

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