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Normani and Daniel Jones didn't have the best childhood which gave them serious trust issues growing up. Their mother never wanted kids and when she found out she was having twins she fell into a deep depression. She stuck around for as long as she could, but when the two turned five their mother almost drowned them in the tub. Their father had saved them, but in return their mother left the house and never returned.

After that their father wasn't much of a parent to them anymore. He still provided for them, but that was all he did. They didn't have a real relationship with him and he never tried to form one, he'd even shut down any attempts made by the kids. He blamed them for their mother leaving him, having wished he and his wife had run off together and left the kids behind.

For their twelfth birthday their father took them to the mall for new clothes. They'd been in four stores so far and both kids had at least three outfits and two pairs of shoes. Their father had decided to take a lunch break and headed to the food court where he sat them down and went to get the food. Once they were settled he went to the bathroom.

He never came back.

They waited at the table until a security guard told them they had to call their ride because the mall was closing. That night they snuck into a furniture store and slept there, but the next day when they went back to their old house there was a 'For Sale' sign up and their father's car wasn't there.

He'd been planning this for a while, so unfortunately for the next two months the twins were homeless. Then one cold night in January a police officer found the two sleeping in an alleyway. The man quickly woke them and convinced them to come with him to the hospital so that he could help them.

It took a lot of persuading from him, but once he succeeded in the task of getting them there he kept his promise. A nurse checked them out and it turned out to be Officer Hamilton's wife, Andrea. The two were foster parents and the social worker agreed to let the twins stay with the couple since they seemed to gain their trust.

The two immediately took them home where the twins were welcomed with open arms. Normani and Daniel were in foster care for a year and a half before the Hamilton's adopted them. They love the two as if they're biological and the love was reciprocated by the siblings.


Five Years Later...

Normani stands over her brother's bed with a pot filled with ice and water, she'd woke him up twice now and he still hasn't gotten up. She contemplates waking him up again before looking at the clock on his side table, 7:37. They had to be at school in 23 minutes and it took him just as long as her to get ready. Without a second thought she throws the water on him.

"What the fuck Mani," he springs up from his sleep taking deep breaths, "you almost drowned me... you know I still have ptsd from momma."

"You should've got up when I came in here the first time then, you got 15 minutes or we'll be late."

She leaves and the boy gets up quickly timing his shower. It takes him a little over the fifteen time limit, but the two make it to school at exactly 8 o'clock. The two split and head to their first classes of the day, Normani Math and Daniel History.

They had gotten through half their day with no problems, it used to be rare that the twins' had a calm day but for the past month they'd promised their parents to be good for their last year. So when Normani walked into the lunch room that day to see her brother standing toe to toe with his teammate she knew their asses were about to be on the line.

Normani speed walks over to the pair and pulls her brother back, she knows Daniel is quick to swing first so she needs them to play this smart. If it seems like they started it then their parents would kill them, but self defense is different. Daniel snatches away before trying to step to the boy again, but a muscular figure appears out of nowhere blocking his path.

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