-Chapter Sixteen-

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Thin Walls - Larry Stylinson

Summary: Louis moves into a flat while he’s at university, his next-door neighbour, Harry, who he’s never seen is rather loud at night. Louis confronts him about said noise and the two start to chat through the rather thin wall between their bedrooms. Will they ever meet, and if they do… what could ensue for the both of them?

Pairing: Harry/Louis… side of Liam/Niall

Warnings: may contain a little bit of swearing and that’s all for now, I think.


Chapter Sixteen


The next day, Louis stayed in bed, his nose streaming and his throat burning. Harry popped by in the morning making him a cup of tea and some toast, which Louis didn’t eat because of his throat. Harry returned that evening with more soup and a DVD, and the same continued on the Tuesday, Wednesday Liam was on duty, although Louis was feeling much better, he was thankful when Liam took out his rubbish. Thursday Louis was back to his old self with a bit of a sore throat. He went to classes as usual and met Niall for lunch. On Friday he was feeling perfectly fine for which he was thankful because he wanted to feel great for his and Harrys date the next day, which he still didn’t know what they were doing. After university he went back home bumping into Eleanor and invited her over for the evening as well as Danielle and the three made their way up to his flat where he met Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn and the girl he’d seen in Harrys class.

‘So tell me Perrie, how did you get so beautiful?’ Zayn asked her, she rolled her eyes and pushed him over

‘Zayn, leave Perrie alone’ Harry laughed and looked up as Louis opened the door. They walked in and sat around the television as Louis searched his kitchen drawers for a Chinese menu.

‘Found it!’ He shouter joyfully and he was met with a lot of replies at the same time

‘I don’t care’ which sounded like Zayns voice

‘Bring it here’ which he was sure was Danielles voice

‘Bring your big bum in here’ which was Harry and Louis assured himself he’d get him back for.

‘Show me the food’ which sounded like Niall

‘Zayn stop touching my bum’ was the unfamiliar voice of Perrie he was sure

‘We need to order it in an orderly fashion’ Louis wanted to laugh at how Liam was very organised in everything he did

‘Is Chinese fattening?’ was Eleanor’s reply

‘I’m hungry’ which was again Niall after everyone had spoken

‘It was an accident’ Zayn replied to Perrie Louis guessed. He walked out of the kitchen and Niall and Perrie jumped up and ran at Louis, Louis eyes went wide and he chucked the menu at them and dodged out of the way

‘We should get one of everything’ Perrie squealed

‘Oh my god, we should’ Niall agreed

‘I don’t think that’s a good idea’ Liam frowned

‘So my big bum hmm?’ Louis asked raising an eyebrow at Harry and placing his hand on his hip

‘Indeed’ Harry nodded with a smirk

‘Well my big bum is going to sit on you seeing as there is nowhere else to sit’ He grinned, Harry patted his lap and opened his arms. Louis jumped onto his lap causing Harry to wheeze and cough

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