Chapter 6

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Erza's POV

I turned around to find a pink haired girl running towards me. My eyes widened in surprise. What was Meredy doing here?


She grinned at me, "I have something to tell you."

She was Jellal's friend, right?

"Is.. Is it about Jellal?" I questioned her.

"Yeah!" She grinned, giving me a thumbs up.

"Oh.. Well hit me!" I said, using a metaphor I learned from Lucy. I felt so proud of myself. Gihee. Wait, why am I being Gajeel? Anyway....

"Er-chan!" Meredy said, waving her arm in front of my face, "why do you want me to hit you?"

I laughed at her naïveness. "It's a metaphor. It means tell me me the news."
I stated, feeling ever so proud.

She beamed at me, "Jellallikesyoueoheranawaycuzhewasscaredofyounotlikinghimback."

"Ah," I said, though really I didn't catch a word, "could you repeat that please, there was one word I missed." I lied.

"Jellal likes you so he ran away cuz he was scared of you not liking him back." She said.

My eyes widened in surprise. I croaked, and then, quickly recomposed myself into a calm state.

"oh. Is that so?" I asked.

"Hai" said Meredy with a grin, and ran off screaming, "you're blushing Er-chaaan!"

Huh? I'm blushing? I lifted up my hand to touch my cheek. I was boiling like Natsu. What was this?! Was this the love Lucy talked about? No. I couldn't love Jellal. That was in the past. Everything changed. No. Not Jellal. Somebody help me.

I charged at a tree and kicked it, leaving it to creak and then fall, as countless human faces looked at me in surprise.

Konnichiwa minna-san!!!!
Gomenasai this chapter is so short!
Hope youre enjoying the story!
Btw, vote please! Because I have 0 votes so far and that makes me sad, since I'm trying so hard :( TT^TT
Arigato gozaimasu!!!
Sayonara ;)


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