Chapter 9

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Erza's POV
As soon as I entered the guild I got ambushed by my team.

"Hey Erza! We're going on a job! You gonna come?" Asked Natsu.

"Yes. Let me just get ready." I said.

I got ready in a matter of seconds, as always.

"Let us go!" I declared. Lucy and Wendy sweat dropped at my getting ready speed.

I looked at the leaflet in Natsu's hand. It was to disband a dark guild and had an amazing payment. This was going to be fun.

*Time skip to the destination*

"Ah look! There's the building!" Said Lucy.

"Let's work out a careful plan." I said, while holding Natsu by the collar.

"Aww, why? I wanted to attack straight away!" Moaned Natsu.

"Well, tough. This is a dangerous job, we have to think carefully." I said.

"Let's pretend we want to enter the guild and then one by one, we slowly murder them." Said Lucy.

"Sounds good!" I replied and the rest of the team agreed.

"Now we need disguised names." Said Lucy, "I'll be Luigi..." She glared at Natsu, "Wendy can be...."

"Rose?" Wendy asked.

"Yeah, Wendy is Rose. Erza is Scarlet. Natsu is Salamander. Happy can be Sammy and Carla is Chelsea. Gray is... Whatever. Gray - chose for yourself."

"Gray can be idiot!" Screamed Salamander.

"Gray shall be George." I said.

"Let's go!" Screamed Luigi.

"Aye sir!" The rest of us screamed.

We slowly came to the door and knocked on it. A duo opened it and asked,

"Who are you?"

We all introduced ourselves by our fake names and said that we wanted to join the guild.

The duo consisted of two girls. One with long blue hair, tonnes of concealer and an obvious high voice. She introduced herself as Saphirra. Another was called Melody with long white dyed wavy hair and a very familiar voice, though I couldn't quite pinpoint who's it was.

We, ourselves had all dyed our hair a different colour from normal so people couldn't tell it was us.

We were introduced to the guild and then the master gave us the stamps. Our guild marks were covered with tattoos so that we wouldn't be noticed as part of a different guild.

Saphirra came up to us and then said,

"Scarlet, may I talk to you, please? Alone." She glared at the people around with her golden eyes.

Melody required to talk to Luigi.

I followed Saphirra behind the guild and looked at her. Something about her bothered me. I couldn't quite tell what it was, though.

"Can you tell who I am, Scarlet? Or should I say, Erza?" She scowled.

"No." I said, "though something about you certainly bothers me, Saphirra." I scowled back.

I wondered how she knew my name and where I had seen her before.

"I can't believe you already forgot me, Titania." Came a male voice from Saphirra, "and only yesterday you told me that... You said... You even... Oh for Gods sake! You fricking kissed me!" Suddenly she blushed and turned away.

"J-J-J-Jellal??!" I screamed.

Jellal smiled at me sweetly.

"I'm glad you remembered, Scarlet."

"I would never forget you, Saphirra." I winked at him and went back to the guild.

Oh what a strange coincidence.

Konnichiwa, my little cookies! It takes a while to update these days since I have exams and stuff, but I managed somehow and OMFG!!! Thank you so much for the votes! I love you lot! Go check out my other books please!! Arigato Gozaimasu!!!
- Er-chan ;)

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2015 ⏰

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