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Can't love myself


*Izuku's pov*

I finally got home after that failure. I walked into the house to see my mom passed out on the couch with a bottle. The bottle was of course a alcohol bottle. I couldn't really tell which alcohol type it was but it was pretty obvious it was alcohol.

I never knew why I couldn't bring myself to hate my mom. No matter how hard I tried I just couldn't. No matter how much she beat me or made me feel worthless I just couldn't. No matter how much I felt like a fuck up I just couldn't.

I finally found out why I couldn't bring myself to hate her. The reason is because i started hating myself and forgot I also deserve love like everyone because I'm also human.

After brushing my teeth I went and laid down ready to sleep my last thought was I loved mom to much to actually hate her so instead of hating her I started hating myself.

With what happening at school is definitely not making my life any better. If anything it makes me feel like I'm a humongous disappointment and can't do anything right. The only place that makes me feel safe is the cafe I work at.

I woke up this morning at 3. I layer in bed for a bit I question what I did so horrible that my life turned out like this. Maybe I should try again you know what they say second try is guaranteed to happen or something like that.

My mom or dad couldn't give a literal shit about me and my child hood best friend beats the crap out of me and bullies me because I'm quirkless if only I had a actual friend I could talk to when things like this happen all I can do is hope life gets better for me even if it's only a little better.

Maybe if I act like I'm crazy they will probably put me in a hospital for the mentally ill people and that would mean I wouldn't have to be beaten in at home or school. That would also no one would call me names again.

There is also the option were I become a villain and hope it works out for me or I could also become a vigilant and help people in need. I could also go to the police and tell them my mom beats me because she's a drunk that can't control herself. Whatever I'll just keep living here until I finally had enough until then I'm going to be stuck here getting beaten at school and home.
444 words

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