Chapter 2

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I woke and it was like 4 a.m but I was too excited about going to California to go back to sleep. So I decided to take a shower.

After my shower I picked out my outfit for the day which was a T shirt and shorts because I'm going to be on a plane all day.

Oh crap I haven't even packed my stuff yet! I ran to the bathroom again and picked my all my things I'll need. Then, I litterly like threw my whole closet in my bag. I finished getting my things together so I started doing my hair.

I tried doing my hair in a fishtail but I suck at doing my hair so it ended up looking like nothing, which is kind of sad lol. I decided to just leave my hair down natural because it looked ok- ish.

After a while Nash and Hayes woke up and Nash said, "We're leaving at 11 and our flight is at 12 so hurry up!"

"Omg hayesss I'm so excited I woke up superr early to get ready and I can't even right now. Like it's half way across the country and we don't have to be with mom all the time!" I was talking to Hayes non-stop the way there and I'm pretty sure he was annoyed. Oh well.

Once we got to airport we got our bags checked and stuff. Then we had to wait for what felt like forever.

Finally, after for what felt like a million years we got to board our flight. I sat in the window seat next to Hayes and Nash sat on the outside.

"Nashyyy I can't get my bag up there," I pointed to the compartment above us. I'm like 5'1 so it was kinda hard to reach because we were on a huge plane.

"Come here princess I'll help you," Nash said. He picked me up and I put my bag up in the compartment thing. Nash is like always so nice to me, Hayes is too but we fight more often.

We all sat down and buckled up because the attendant told us to. Once the plane took off I hugged onto Hayes. I starting getting really tired and fell asleep.

I woke up and the plane just landed.

"Omg Hayesss look were in Cali!!!" I screamed. Everyone was looking at me but I don't care.

"Yeah Evelyn try to be calmer next time ok?" Hayes said tiredly.

"Okay. Yassss we just quoted The fault in our stars!" I said what I was thinking out loud a little to loud and the flight attendant glared at me. Oops.

"Come on Evelyn we have to go," Nash told me.

"But what about my bag," I said like I was a little girl.

"I'll get it just start following Hayes," Nash said. I ran up and jumped on Hayes' back. He was so used to me doing this he just kept causally walking with me on him.

We got out of all the airport stuff and when we got outside Cameron was standing there.

"CAMMY!" I yelled while jumping off of Hayes and running to him. I looked up to him with puppy eyes and he picked me up. Cam was practically my unbiological older brother. So he is used to my craziness.

"I missed you Evelyn," Cam said.

"I missed you too," I said while resting my head on him.

We all starting walking down to cam's car and cam was still carrying me. Once we got to his car cam carefully layed me down in the backseat and I slowly fell asleep.

I'm so sorry this took so long😶 I just got my laptop back yesterday because it was broken. I'm going to start updating more often now.
I hope u guys liked this. Byee💗

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