Chapter 10

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Hadley's pov.

Hayes and I were just starring into each other's eyes and I felt like some kind of connection between us.

"Um Hadley I know this is kinda random but do you want to um..go out on a date with me?" Hayes asked anxiously.

"Oh um sure," I blushed a little. I thought there was a tree right next to me, so I leaned back but instead I ended up on the ground. There was no tree.

I just sat there on the ground and Hayes sat next to me.

"Sorry I have to admit I'm really clumsy." I laughed.

"I think we all know that," Hayes laughed a little and I noticed how his eyes light up when he's happy. I guess I make him happy.

"Hadley! Where are youuu?" I heard Evelyn yell.

"Over here!" I yelled back still sitting on the ground. She starting coming more into view and I could see she looked scared.

"Hadley!" She excitedly said like a little kid. "I thought I had lost you forever!" She hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe.

"Evelyn, I'm right here, I'm okay," I assured her.

She looked over at Hayes and smirked so hardcore.

"Awe look at the two lovebirds," She sang.

Hayes and I just looked at each other and blushed.

"Omg! You guys really are a thing. Ew my brother with my best friend. Gag. Ew no," Evelyn giggled.

"Oh little Evelyn, lets go, Hayes threw Evelyn over his shoulder and grabbed my hand.

"Hey I am not little, we're only a couple minutes apart." Evelyn pouted and started hitting Hayes, still on his shoulder.

"Evelyn, you know you're not strong enough to actually hurt me," Hayes laughed.

"Ughhh," Evelyn complained and we walked the rest of the way home like that.
Evelyn's pov.

I woke up in the morning on the table.
How did I get here, I started laughing and Matt walked in.

"What are you laughing about?" He asked curiously.

"Um I woke up on the table. I don't even remember how I got here." I giggled.

"Ohh last night when Hayes carried you inside, you had already fallen asleep and when he put you down on the couch, you half way woke up halfway didn't. You kept on saying that the couch wasn't you're bed and Hayes said I know it's not. Then you climbed up on the table and said this is my bed and fell asleep." Matt explained the whole story to me and I couldn't stop laughing.

"I don't remember any of that," I said.

"You were kinda acting like you were drunk last night, I don't know why." Matt admitted.

"Hm I guess I'm just messed up in the mind, I said. Matt sat up on the table with me and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"You may be messed up, but you're perfect to me." Matt said and kissed my cheek.

We just sat there in a peaceful kind of silence until I spoke up, "What do you wanna do today."

"As long as I'm with you, I'll do anything," Matt said.

I sat there for a second thinking until I came up with the perfect idea, "I know what we can do!" I excitedly said.

"What is it baby?" Matt asked.

"We can have a cooking day," I happily said.

"Ok, Let's go get the supplies, Matt said.

"Carry me to the kitchen, peasant," I jokingly said and Matt picked me up.

"Too infinity," I said and pointed to the ceiling.

"Any beyond," Matt finished for me.
Hadley's pov.

My date with Hayes is today but technically it's not really a date because we're just chilling and watching Netflix all day.
I'm still excited though.

After getting dressed in
- magcon hoodie
- sweatpants
And putting my hair in a messy bun I was ready.

I felt someone wrap their arms around me and I knew it was Hayes.

"Are you ready for our date?" He asked.

I looked over at him, he had messy morning hair and was wearing a lacrosse hoodie.

"Yep!" I said excited.

"Ok I already got the movie fort ready," he said and we went up to his room.

We got to his room and I snuggled into his chest. Then, we started watching the first movie.
Evelyn's pov.

"Matt the food is on fire!" I yelled/laughed over the fire alarm thing.
Our cooking day wasn't working out so well because basically we're the worst two cooks ever.

Matt ran in with a bucket of water and put the fire out.

"That was a close one," I said relieved that we didn't burn the house down.

Luckily all the guys were gone at some meeting and the only other people in the house were Hayes and Hadley.

Matt and I decided we should probably start cleaning up our mess but when he wasn't looking I took some flour and threw it all over him.

"Oh my god Evelyn!" Matt laughed while wiping flour off his face.

I stuck my tongue out at him and that's when war started. Matt threw flour at me, I threw flour back and it just continued from there.

In the end the kitchen was messier than before. There was flour EVERYWHERE, brunt cupcakes sitting on the table, and water all over the floor.

Of course right then all the guys walked in.

"Wow, what happened in here?" Taylor said, shocked.

"Umm.... I think I'm just gonna check on Hayes. Ya know I don't want anything to happen to my twinn," I made up an excuse and ran upstairs.

I got to Hayes' room and just walked right in.
"You guys will not believe..." I stopped mid sentence and realized that Hadley and Hayes were in the middle of a make out session.

"Oh my gosh! My eyes their burning!" I sarcastically said to get their attention.

"Bruh, seriously," Hayes said with an annoyed tone.

"Hey! You have no right to sass me! I should be the one sassing you," I dramatically flipped my hair and walked out.
Sorry this chapter got kinda sucky at the end😁
I was gonna update sooner but it's the last week of school and I've been trying to make sure my grades are good.
Summer is in 2 days, turn upppp. So I'll be sure to update a lot in summer.
Top pic is Matt and Evelyn in the kitchen.
Last thing, could you guys comment and tell me if you're liking this book so far bc I feel like it's boring but idk?
Thanks and Bye for now💗

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