Chapter 12

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Hadley's pov.

I've been at my abusive dad's for almost a day now and it's been torture. I've been beaten every hour, got glass items thrown at me, and haven't been able to eat, sleep, or even get some water.

All I really want right now is my best friend, Hayes, and the cops to hopefully beat the shit out of this crazy man.

"Hey get off you're lazy ass, the cops are here and I need you to hide so I don't get caught!" My "dad" yelled.

"The cops really here!" I got excited but then remembered I shouldn't have said that out loud because now I'm going to get another beating.

I just closed my eyes and waited for his punch but instead I felt nothing so I opened my eyes to see Cam with all the other guys and most importantly my best friend.

Before I could say anything, I collapsed and everything went black.
Evelyn's pov.

When we walked into the abandoned building, Matt immediately grabbed my hand and whispered, "Stay close too me, I don't want to lose you."
I just nodded my head and continued looking around for Hadley.

We all walked into this basement type of room and that's when I saw Hadley. She had bruises covering her, there were scratches all on her face and legs, she looked like she hadn't slept or ate in days.

She looked like she was getting ready to say something but right then she fell to the ground, behind her was the crazy man with a knife.
Hayes' pov.

When I saw Hadley all broken looking I was speechless, how could someone possibly hurt her.
Right when I was going to pick her up, she collapsed and behind stood the crazy man.

I didn't even hesitate at all, I went straight up to him and knocked him out in one punch.

"No one messes with my girl," I said after he fell to the ground.

Quickly, I picked up Hadley and she laid limp in my arms. The cops finally got in the room we where in and they arrested the abusive man.
Evelyn's pov.

Hadley was losing a lot of blood fast, she was stabbed in the back but her heart is still beating.

We got to the hospital and she was rushed into the ER.

"I'm freaking out what if she doesn't make it, I'll be such an emotional mess. I don't know what I'll do with my life without her." I was going out of my mind right now, constantly worrying for her.

"I know it's scary babe, all of us are worried but the best thing to do right now is just try to stay calm," Matt explained then hugged me.

I cried into Matt's chest for a while until he eventually picked me up and I fell asleep in his arms.
*The next morning*
When I woke up it was morning and I was laying on the floor of our mini van. When I looked up I saw everyone else sleeping in the seats of the van.

I have no idea why we're all here and when we got in here but I'm assuming I was asleep when it happened.

I looked out the window and saw Cameron standing outside, leaned up against the van. He looked like he had been crying and like he hasn't slept in days.
A/n -

I'm again so sorry about not updating, I'm just really not feeling motivated to write lately. Tbh I'm not really feeling this book anymore, I feel like I've lost my spark in writing this type of story. (I'm also sorry about the short chapter and weird ending spot)

I will continue this story but just know that it may take me a while to update. I'm going to try to make myself more motivated to update quicker but idk.

Thanks if you've stuck around and read this story every time I update and still enjoy reading it, you guys are the real mvps💗

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