Chapter 3

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Evelyn's pov.

I woke up and we had just pulled up to our new apartment in Cali.

"Omg! We're here, we're here," I screamed excitedly.

"Woah Evelyn I thought you were still asleep," Nash said.

"Oh well I just woke up, did I scare youu," I said.

"Kinda. I mean you didn't talk and just slept for 2 hours and then all the sudden you decided to yell," he said.

"Yayy I for once scared you," I happily said. I normally never scare my brothers no matter how hard I try. Like once I hid in Nash's closet and he didn't know I was there. So when he walked into his room I jumped out and litterly he just kept walking like nothing happened. You see my struggle.

I got up and got my bags from the back of the car. The rest of my stuff is being shipped and should be here in a couple days. I ran inside to see this amazing apartment. It had 2 floors and there was a bunch of rooms so that meant I got a room all to myself!

"Cammy do I get a room to myself?" i asked just to make sure.

"Yep, you get the middle room on the 2nd floor," Cam pointed to the room.

"Oooh yay I get an upstairs room!" I yelled and ran up the stairs.

When I got to my room it looked amazing. I got a balcony and a bathroom that me and hayes will share since it's connected to both of our rooms. There was a bed already here for me and it had basic white bedding. One of the best parts of my room is that I get a huge closet! All my life I've never got a walk in closet but now I do and plus I get a small makeup table and mirrior.

I walked out of my room and decied to look around the rest of the apartment. There was a huge kitchen but we really need to go grocery shooping because there was like no food. Then the living room had a nice flat screen Tv which had netflix already set up on it.

All the other bedrooms in the house were amost the same, some were nicer than others tho. Then I went outside and it was like heaven. There was a huge pool with a hot tub, there was a beach like really close and the best part there was a trampoline!! Now when I get on a sugar high I can use up my energy on the trampoline instead of running around the house. I walked around to the front of the apartment and saw that all the boys just got here!

I ran up to Matt because he's the first one I saw plus he's like a brother to me, well all the guys are like brothers to me but Matt is one of my favs.

"Matt!!! I missed you," I said while jumping into his arms.

"Hey munchkin I don't think you've grown at all," Matt laughed.

"Actually I grew 1 inch I'm now 5'1 last time I was 5 foot," I stated. Sometimes I get insucure about my height because I'm so short compared to all the boys and it's not fair.

"But you're still my munchkin. Right?" He asked kinda joking.

"Yeah whatever," I said. Then I jumped out of his arms and ran straight to Jack Johnson. JJ is like my bestie/non related brother. We always can laugh together and have a good time, he's the best. One time we went to the store and I sat in one cart he sat in another. Then, we had 2 of the other boys push us around and we had a race. I miss these good times with the boys.

"JJ it's meeee!!!" I yelled.

"Hey whats up," he said and we did one of those cool bro hugs that I don't do right.

I talked to all of the guys then I went back inside to find Hayes.

"Haayyeesss!!!!!!" I yelled hoping he would hear me.

"Evveellyynn!!!!" Hayes yelled back copying me.

"Want to penny board to get burgers and ice cream!" I yelled since he was upstairs. Once I yelled that, I guess all the guys heard me because within 3 seconds they all had their penny boards and were asking me if they could come.

"Ok ok we can all go get burgers and ice cream!" I said while running outside and getting on my penny board. So the whole crew with us was, Nash, Hayes, Cam, Matt, the Jacks, and Taylor. The rest of the guys were going to some pizza place.

We got to my fav burger place, In and Out. We all ordered our food. I got one burger but the guys were like pigs and got around 3.

Once we were all done, I walked outside and saw these really cute guys. The cutest one walked up to me and asked for my number. I was about to give it to him when Hayes ran over to me, picked me up, and started penny boarding away from the cute guys.

"Hayes wtf I was about to get a really cute boys number!" I yelled while getting out of his arms.

"I can't let my twin sister start dating already," he said.

"Why not, you date girls." I stated.

"Yeah but that's because I'm older," he said.

"You're only 3 minutes older!" I yelled and ran to get my penny board from Cam.

I feel really bad because me and Hayes never fight. But he was being really mean so I should be mad at him I have a reason.

We all penny boarded to get ice cream then started riding home. I'm still not talking to Hayes, guys never ask for my number and Hayes ruined my chance.

When we got home I went straight upstairs and put on my favorite onesie (Top pic.). I ran downstairs and found Matt.

"Matt I'm not talking to Hayes because he ruined my chance with this cute guy I met," I was telling Matt this because we're pretty close and I trust him.

"Aw Evelyn I'll go talk to him," Matt told me.

Hayes came over to me.

"Evelyn I'm sorry about doing that earlier I should have let you talk to him," Hayes apologized.

"It's ok Hayes I'm sorry for being mad at you, Ily." I said.

"Ily too. Now let's go join the guys, we're having a movie marathon!" Hayes said and we went over to the living room.

I cuddled into Hayes' chest and I fell asleep after the 1st movie.

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