Chapter 4

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Evelyn's pov.

I woke up and I was in Hayes' room. He had a really tight grip on me so I couldn't move. I tried reaching over to grab my phone but I failed.

"Hayesss wake up," I said, still trying to get out of his arms.

--no response--

"Ughh, HAYES!" I screamed. Why does Hayes have to be such a heavy sleeper?!

Finally, his grip on me loosened enough so that I could reach over and grab my phone.

I called Nash.

N- Nash E- Evelyn
N- Hey Evelyn what's up?
E- Um well I can't get out of bed because Hayes is literally holding me hostage.
N- what?
E- Hayes is sleeping and I can't wake him up or move because he has a tight grip on me.
N- ohhhh k I'll be there.
E- thanks.

I hung up and waited for Nash to come.

"I'm here, how do you want me to wake him up this time?" Nash asked while walking in.

"Um smack cam him!" I anxiously said.

"Ok but first let me get someone to record," Nash said. Then he ran out of the room and got Matt.

"Ok let's take action," Matt said while doing the puma face.

Nash ran over to Hayes and did the smack cam. It must have hurt too because Hayes woke up and he had a huge red mark on his face.

"NASH!! Seriously I was sleeping!!" Hayes yelled and started chasing Nash around the apartment.

It was really funny Hayes was chasing him around and Nash tripped and flew across the room. The best part was that Matt vined when he fell.

After a while they stopped chasing each other and both of them collapsed on the couch. I walked over to them and laid on top of Nash.

"What are we doing today? And where are all the guys?" I asked because I just realized that everyone was gone except Me, Hayes, Nash, and Matt.

"Well today we're probably going to the beach and everyone is at IHop for breakfast. Matt and I stayed here with you guys because I would feel bad leaving you two here alone." Nash explained.

"Ok I should probz get ready for the beach," I said while jumping off of Nash's back and going upstairs.

My swimsuit today was
- teal fringe top
- black and white chevron bottoms
I also put on my heart shaped sunglasses. I put my hair in a bun and over my swimsuit I put on
-lose pink tank
-jean shorts
I was kinda nervous to go to the beach because I'm wearing no makeup and I get really insecure without my makeup on. Normally I don't wear much makeup just enough to cover my blemishes and a little mascara but It makes a difference on me. I decided to just face the world with no makeup and hope that no one will judge me.

I hoped down the stairs and ran to Hayes. I just looked up at him and thought wow I'm super short.

"Hello earth to Evelyn..." Hayes said. I guess I was staring up at him.

"Oh yeah sorry I was just in deep thought," I said.

"About what??" Hayes asked concerned.

"How short I am," I said while looking around for my penny board.

"Your such a dork Evelyn," Hayes said while picking me up and throwing me onto and over his shoulder. So now I'm just hanging on Hayes' shoulder chillin.

"Come on people lets go," I said still hanging from Hayes' shoulder.

We all started walking to the beach and Hayes put me on his shoulders now.

Once we got there all the guys got in the water right away but I needed to tan. I laid on my stomach and fell asleep.

I woke up and some pervert teenager was trying to touch my butt.

"Umm excuse me but you don't have the right to be touching my butt," I sassily said.

I guess I scared him off because he started running far away from me.

I kinda got scared by the boy trying to touch me so I went in the water with the other guys. All the guys were here now but I decided not to tell them about that guy. I just want to have fun today.

"Hey y'all what ever you guys are doing I want to join," I said really loudly because I have a soft voice.

"Oh hey Evelyn, we're all about to play that chicken fight game," Cam said.

"Ohh yay I love that game!!" I happily said.

"Ok well let's play then," Cam said.

This is how it all worked out. I went on Cam's shoulders, Jack J went on Nash's shoulders, Hayes went on Jack G's shoulders, Matt was on shawn's shoulders, And Taylor was on Aaron's shoulders. (A/n,sorry guys but I'm not including anyone else in this part😁)

Cam was lucky to have me as his partner because technically there should be all girls on the shoulders. I say that because all the guys kept on falling over and complaining about how there partner was too heavy.

Once everyone was ready we started the fight. I pushed down Jack J and Matt, they were too easy. Taylor fell over on his own, I don't even know how.

So now it came down to the last two, me and Cam, and Hayes and Jack G.

Hayes was coming at me but I used my fast reflexes and pushed him. Well that didn't really work out because he didn't fall or even stumble.

Hayes ended up pushing me off and I fell :(
Jack G and Hayes won.

"That was really fun!" I said to Cam.

"Yeah but I think we need to go home now, it's getting late." Cam said.

I got out of the water with the rest of the guys and checked the time, it was already 11:00 p.m!

"Hey y'all who wants to have a beach bonfire?" I yelled.

"Yeah that sounds fun kiddo," Matt said.

We all got our towels and laid them out in a huge circle. Nash and Cam had left a few minutes ago to get wood and I could already see them coming back.

They put the wood in the middle and started a fire. We all roasted marshmallows and hot dogs because we didn't eat dinner. Oops.

I ate a hot dog and ate one s'more then I started to get really tired.

Sorry this was probably really sucky but I need to start updating more often. Oh and the top pic is when Evelyn was laying oh Nash's back. Ily you all bye💗

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