Chapter 11

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A/n - I can't remember where I left off so I'm starting on the next day.

Evelyn's pov.

I woke up to my phone ringing. It's 3 am who could possibly be calling. I picked up and heard lots of sirens in the background.

E- Hello?
Then I heard cam speak up on the other end.
C- Evelyn! Thank god you're awake.
E- everything ok?
C- I wish I could say it was...Hadley was kidnapped.
E- WHAT?! Wait, this is just a prank come on tell me it's a joke so I can go back to bed.
C- I'm sorry evie, let me explain what happened.
Hadley came to my room after waking up from a nightmare. So I took her on a late night walk to get her mind off of it. We were walking when a strange man approached us and without saying a word he knocked me out. I tried to fight back but it was so unexpected I didn't have time. I don't know how long I was out but when I woke up Hadley and the man were no where in sight.

(By this point I was already bawling my eyes out.)

E- S-so what d-do you want m-me to do?

C- You need to do one thing, wake up everyone in the house. All of you load up in the cars and start looking for Hadley.

E- b-but what about you?

C- I'm going to walk back to my car and start looking for Hadley myself too.

E- Are you sure you'll be okay?

C- I'll be fine, love you evie.

Before I could say anything else he hung up.

After a few minutes, I got myself together and went to start waking people up. I went for the lightest sleepers first, so they can help me wake up the heavy sleepers. (a.k.a Hayes.)

First I started at the jacks rooms, "Get up, get up Hadley was kidnapped!" I yelled. It took like 5 minutes before they actually believed me, then they got up.

"Ok you guys need to start waking up some of the other guys. I'm going to get Matt." I demanded. Right now I really don't care if I sound bossy, my best friend is gone.

"Ok evie, we'll go get Aaron and Taylor," Jack g assured me.

I nodded and ran to Matt's room.

"Mattcheww, wake up babe." I said.

"Evie? What's wrong?" Matt tiredly said. I laid next to him and he pulled the blankets onto me.

I told him everything and I could not stop crying the whole time. Matt didn't say anything after I shared the story, he just hugged me and I cuddled into his chest.

At this point I was counting on the jacks to get everyone else awake because I don't think I can explain this story one more time without completely breaking down.

Eventually Matt got up and carried me to the living room where I saw everyone awake, sitting quietly.

I jumped out of Matt's arms and ran straight to Hayes, I cuddled with him still crying my eyes out.

"It's ok we're going to find her," Hayes whispered to me.

Then Nash spoke up, "Ok everyone this is our plan, we're all going to get in the mini van, drive around a LOT of the city looking for her, and then if we can't find her we're going to go talk to the police."

"Ok let's get going," A voice said from the door.
I looked over to see Cam with bruises all over and the van keys in his hand. He must have walked in when Nash was explaining but no one noticed.

"Cammy!" I yelled and ran to him.

"I'm so glad you're here." I said and hugged him super tight.

After everyone talked to Cam, we went and got into the mini van. I ended up having to sit on the floor because it was packed and I was the smallest.

We looked for hours with no sight of her and before we knew it, it was 9 a.m.

"N- Nash we're ne-never gonna f-find her," I said in between sobs

"Don't say that evie," Nash told me.

"It'll be okay, we'll find her." Taylor added.

"Guys we should go stop for some food," Aaron said.

"Yeah Aaron's right since we didn't get much sleep, we should at least get some food to help get our energy back," I explained.

"Ok I'll stop and pick up some donuts," Nash said.

We pulled up to this random donut/coffee shop and everyone went inside.

We just got 2 boxes with glazed and then everyone piled back in the van. Right before I got in, I saw a bunch of police walk back into the woods behind the donut shop.

"Guys are those the police we sent to look for Hadley?" I asked.

"I- I think it is!" Cam shouted.

"Everyone get in lets go!" Hayes yelled. He finally spoke up after this whole trip he had been completely silent. I guess it's because he loves Hadley and doesn't want anything to happen to her.

Nash sped off onto the backroads going towards the police. Once we got close enough to the police, Nash stopped the car and we all ran up too the police.

"Excuse me but we were wondering if you're the police on the investigation for Hadley?" Cam asked.

....To be continued....

A/n - sorry I just thought it would add suspense if I added to be continued😂
Also the reason I haven't updated much is bc I'm trying to enjoy my summer but I swear I'll start updating more often soon. The top pic is what Evelyn was wearing the whole time looking for Hadley.
Thanks for reading please vote and comment requests for what u want me to add in this story. Ily all💗

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