Chapter 7

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Outfit's above^

Evelyn's pov.

"Guys, I've missed you so much," I said even tho I was only out for a day it felt like a lifetime.

"We missed you too munchkin," Cam said and patted my head softly tho because of the concussion.

The nurse came in and told me that I had to be in a wheel chair for a week then crutches for 2 weeks. I know it's just a broken leg but apparently it was broken badly.

"Ooo now that you'll be in a wheel chair I can wheel you around," Hadley excitingly said.

"Oh great, I'll probs end up with another broken leg," I jokingly said to Hadley.

I wasn't allowed out of the hospital until tomorrow morning because the doctors need to make sure I'm stable enough too go home. So for the rest of the day everyone just stayed around and we basically just talked and laughed all day.

**skip to around evening time**

"Excuse me everyone, Evelyn is only allowed to have one guest stay the night. Everyone else needs to go home, and you can come back in the morning when she's about to leave," A nurse told us.

"Ok thank you." I said and then everyone started leaving expect Hayes. I needed him to stay with me because I miss my twin.

"Hayes will you stay with me tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course." He said while laying down next to me. There was lots of room for both of us because the bed was huge and I'm tiny so yeah.

I cuddled up to Hayes and fell asleep.

**next morning**

I woke up to Nash tying to wake me up.

"Nashhh I don't wanna get uppp." I groaned.

"Come on Evelyn everyone's been here waiting for 3 hours. I already signed the papers and its 11 o'clock. So get up." Nash explained.

"Ugh fine, I'm getting up," I complained.
When I got up I remembered I couldn't walk so I kinda just sat there not knowing what to do.

Then, Matt came in with a wheel chair.
"Here ya go princess," He said while picking me up and setting me in the wheelchair.

"Thank you, now push me away from this stupid hospital peasant." I said while pointing to the door.

We all left the hospital and Matt pushed me in my wheel chair until we got to the car. Then, he picked me up bridal style and set me down in the backseat.

On the way home I really wanted to have a one direction dance party in the car. So got the aux cord and turned 1D on full volume.
I started doing my fabulous arm dance moves in the car and it probs looked like I was having a seizure😂

Once we got home Haley really wanted to push me around in my wheelchair so I let her.

"Ok Hadley, be careful don't push me over," I laughed.

"I'll try but I can't make any promises," Hadley said.

She pushed me around like the whole house and I guess it was fun for her because all she did was laugh. Once we got back to the front door she tried pushing me inside but she ended up hitting the wall.

"Hadley! That's the wall not the door," I laughed.

"Oops, let me try again." We were laughing so much and I was so happy to be back home.

We finally got inside safely after a couple tries.

"Push me to the kitchen! I NEED FOOOD!" I yelled and she literally ran and pushed me so fast.

"Hadley, slow down we're going to crash!" I yelled but instead we ran straight into Cam.

We both just stared up at him, it was funny because he's so tall and we're so short.

"Oops!" Hadley laughed. She has gotten pretty close to Cam, like a brother so I don't think he cares.

"I guess I'll just have to get you back now," Cam laughed. Then, he picked up Hadley, ran and through her in the pool but it wasn't like being mean it was brotherly like.

"Omg Cam!! I'm coming for youuuu!" Hadley said while getting at of the pool. She tried tackling him but since she's so small it looked like she was hugging him.

I just kinda sat there waiting awkwardly not able to move. Then Matt came in.

"Matt! I need food!" I said while pointing to the fridge.

"How 'bout instead of eating here we go get some pizza." Matt suggested.

"Yaaass I love pizza!" I excitedly said.

"Ok then let's go," Matt picked me up and gave me a piggy back ride to the pizza place because it's not very far away.

Matt set me down on a seat at the pizza place.
"Stay here while I get the pizza at the front," he said.

"Okie dokie." I said.

Then this older guy came and sat right next to me.

"Umm what are you doing?" I asked scared.

"You have a nice body," he said and started touching me and grabbing my thighs.

"No! Stop it!" I yelled and hit him but I'm not very strong so it didn't hurt him.

Right then Matt came back.
"What do you think you're doing! Get off her!" He yelled and picked me up so I was away from the man.

The man left and I cried into Matt's shoulder. I'm sorry it just really scared me and knowing me I'm scared of lots of things.

"Let's just bring the pizza home and we can have a pizza and Netflix night." Matt said. He paid, grabbed the pizza, put me on his back, and left.

When we got back, I decided to not tell anyone about the pervert man and just have a relaxed night.

"Hey everyone! We're home with pizza!" I yelled and Matt put me down on the couch.

"Did someone say pizza!" Hadley said while jumping on the couch.

"Yeah, we have 2 cheese pizzas, help yourself," I added while handing her a piece.

Once everyone ate, the guys turned on Netflix but they wanted to watch a horror movie and I'm extremely scared of horror movies.

"Guys I'm scared of horror movies," I complained.

"Evelyn you can sit next to me and when you get scared just hide your eyes." Matt said.

"Okay." I sighed and went over to Matt.

They started the movie and it was instantly too scary for me. Matt put his arm around me and I cuddled into his chest.

I ended up just cuddling with Matt instead of watching the movie.

I started falling asleep during the 2nd movie but I woke up because Nash was screaming like a little girl.

"Nash, shut up you just woke up Evelyn." Matt said. Nash shut up and Matt put a blanket over me and I fell asleep with my head on his chest. That's when I realized that I liked Matt more then just as a friend.

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