Chapter 13

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Hey guys btw I'm starting right where I left off, so If you don't remember you should go back to read chapter 12! Also the top pic is what Evelyn was wearing and Hadley was in a hospital gown the whole time.

Evelyn's pov.

Careful not to wake anyone else up, I climbed out of the mini van and walked over to Cam. The air outside felt cold even though it's the middle of July and we're in California. There was tension in Cam, I could tell he wasn't his usually self. Crossing my arms around my chest, I looked up at Cam and waited for him to speak.

"...This was all my fault..I could of saved her from this," His voice was low and deep.

"What do you mean you could of saved her? This was a complete accident. Nothing was your fault. It wasn't anyones fault." I was angry now. This whole thing should've never happened.

"Evie, you don't understand. I was the one who took her on a walk that night after her nightmare, I was the one who didn't fight her ex-dad, I was the one to blame... for everything."

"Cam-" He cut me off before I could say anything.

"No I don't want to hear any excuses Evie,"

I knew what Cam needed it wasn't any pity excuses even though it truly wasn't his fault. He needed a hug and that is exactly what I did. I hugged him, my head laid on his chest, I could hear his heart beating. When I looked back up at him, he had tears in his eyes and I couldn't help but start crying. He always comes off so strong but sometimes even the strongest people aren't always so strong.


(Later that same day)

Once all the guys got up, we got to go back into the hospital and I'm as scared as ever. What if Hadley didn't make it through the night is the only thought going through my mind.

We went up to the check in desk, "Um.. Can I have a report on how Hadley is doing? Nash asked.

"I'm guessing you mean Hadley the young girl who was abused and attacked?"

"Yes, that's her," Nash said.

"She's out of the ER and is in recovery. She had a rough night but she'll be just fine. She will be able to go home hopefully by tomorrow." The nice front desk lady informed us.

"Oh my gosh! TOMORROW! We get to bring her home tomorrow!" I squealed. "This is amazing, MY BEST FRIEND IS OK!" I'm jumping up and down now, smiling so big my mouth kinda hurts.

"Hayes did you her that she's coming home, we're coming home!" I jumped and hugged Hayes, my legs wrapped around his torso.

"That's right, she's coming home." Hayes said to me, a relieved sound in his voice.


(The next day)

I'm currently wheeling Hadley down a hospital hallway in a wheel chair. She looks a lot better than she did before but still she doesn't look like the same Hadley. Bruises are covering her legs and arms, the bags under her eyes are very prominent, and she looks weak. Her happiness is starting to come back a little, the doctor said she could be unhappy and scared for a while. Hadley is a strong girl, so I know her happiness will shine through soon.

Once we get to the out in the parking lot, Hayes carries her into the van. We all pile in and of course I have to sit on the floor.

"Hey Hadley what song do you want me too play, it's your pick," Cam asks from the front on the van.

My eyes dart to Hadley, I mouth One Direction and wiggle my eyebrows all weirdly. We both start laughing and Hadley tells Cam to play, Drag Me Down by 1D obviously.

For the first time in what feels like forever, I finally have my best friend back.


A/n -

Yayyayayayay! I finally updated, even though this chapter is all over the place and is short. I hope at least you guys think it's good. I'm planning on updating again on Wednesday so get excited. I've been gone on wattpad for so long, I can't wait to write more and start reading fanfic again. Thanks for reading and comment some good fanfic for me to read. Love you all to the moon and back!

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