A new one

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I want to start this story off by saying that the first 3 chapters were written in 2021, where I didn't have... the writingskills I have now (I believe) So... keep that in mind :)

A new school year began.

Everyone got older, and so many people found their soulmate.

But then you had me, never had a boyfriend before in my entire life. I was always the lonely one

"Hey Jamie!" Belle yelled from a distance. She was an old, best friend of mine. Even till college, we were still hanging out weekly. "Oh hi, Belle! Ready for the first day of school?" I asked her. "Honestly, I already want to go home and go back to sleep" she said before laughing. She was a girl with long, dark brown hair. She wasn't one of the populars but also not someone people would call a loner or a weirdo. She was nice to everyone, maybe a little too nice sometimes.

We walked further to school, talking about random stuff. When I looked around me, I could see we weren't the only ones who wanted to go home. People already looked like they didn't sleep for weeks.

Well they're not gona have a fun time like that

"Hey look! That's a new one!" Belle said when she saw someone sitting down in our class. It was a girl- or... a boy? I don't even know.... Anyways, they had green-ish, greasy hair. I couldn't see their face but honestly... I didn't want to either. They looked like they didn't take care of themselves. "Why're you staring so much? Love at first sight?" Belle laughed. "W-What? No! They look like a freak!" I said as response. Maybe a little too loud, because the person turned around to look at me. Ashamed, I acted like I dropped my pen and dove underneath the desk. "You sure it aint love at first sight?" Belle said again while leaning down.

That person looked tired... Their eyebags were visible from the other side of the room.

"Hey guys!" Another voice said. It was Tess, Another friend of mine. Or... friend... I don't even know, she thought it was fun to bully or pick on 'weird' kids or just people she didn't like just by looking at them. She was a real bitch sometimes. Like usual, her face was caked in make-up and she chose the 'prettiest' clothing she had for her first impression. "Did you stuff your bra?!?!" Belle said cackling. The person across the room held in their laugh. Okay so they're not dead inside. I thought to myself when class started.

Like expected, the day flew past. Everyone went home, but I had to wait for my buss. I sat down on a bench after saying goodbye to my friends. Then I saw that person again, they were standing next to another friend of mine. She was a year older so we didn't share classes. They seemed nice friends! But then... I saw them pulling up a sigarette.

Oh fuck no...

I hated it when people smoke. Why would you pay so much to damage your lungs? I don't think it's logical at all. And it's disgusting!

They caught me staring at them. My old friend looked at me and waved before charging at me to give me a hug. The person she was chatting to followed. "Omg Alexis! You shaved your hair! I love it!" I said when she reached me. "You know I Always wanted to do it!" She said. "Anyways, this is a friend of mine, Skye! They're new in school here so they gotta get used to this first"

Skye... Good to know

"Oh! Hi Skye! I'm Jamie" I held out my hand but Skye kept theirs in their pockets. "Well, You know my name.. Hi Jamie" It was a little awkward. They didn't seem to care at all about their suroundings whatsoever. "I like your hair" Skye said while looking me up and down with a slight grin, it made me a little uncomfortable, like I was being checked out or something. "Uh... T-Thank you" I said while fidgetting with my hands. "Do you want a sig?" They asked me, holding out their pack. "N-No... I don't smoke." "Do you care if we smoke?" Alexis asked a little worried, like she didn't think about it before. "No, no! It's fine, don't worry!" I lied. Ofcourse I mind the disgusting smoke around me!

God when is this buss gona come...

"So uh... What do you like to do?" I asked Skye. "You don't wana know.. You'll probably think it's weird." They said while looking at someone walking on the other side of the road. "Oh... Okay.. It can't be that bad can it?" "Eh.." Alexis was just on her phone, leaving the conversation between me and this strange person.

"I do have to say... You look a little tired. Are you okay?" I asked a little nervous. "I'm Always tired, this is nothing new. And besides, school just ruins you. ... Even though it's the first day" They said while stomping out the sigarette. I was just standing there, not really knowing what to say. Then Skye came really close to me. "... Are you a quiet one?" I started coughing at the smokey breath. "Now..." They said, backing off a little again. "If you do mind when we smoke, you can just tell me!" They said a little irritated. Well what did they expect? "Oh, I gotta go! My buss is here!" I said before running towards it.


the weirdoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon