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*Jamie's POV*

The day flew past again. I only had a couple classes and me and Skye shared 2 of them. Inbetween classes, I hung out with either Belle and sometimes Tess or Alexis. Skye often sat alone unless Alexis decided to join them instead. They did seem to at least not mind being alone which was good.

Belle suddenly jumped up, "Oh, oh! Jamie! You know the guy in my class I told you about?" I nodded. "Weeeellll He asked me out!" Me and Tess joined her energy. "Oh my god! No way!" I said. "When, when!" Tess followed. Belle explained to us how it happened and what they were planning to do in the weekends. "Now, I don't understand how you can get a boyfriend and I can't!" Tess complained. "Maybe because Belle is kind..." I added. Belle laughed, "You'll find someone, don't worry!" Tess scuffed. We talked a bit more about the guy and then about love itself. Tess had an eye on a guy a year older than her but didn't know how to approach him. They didn't know each other whatsoever but apparently she did hear really nice things about him and I did have to admit, that guy had some charm.

And then you had me, still nothing. Not even a crush! Belle told me the same thing she told Tess. "You'll find someone, don't worry" Yeah right... Everyone at least has a crush or something, right? I don't know I just wanted to be able to do stuff only couples do. Like cuddle while watching a movie, or watching the stars while laying in each others arms. But every time I would think about such things, the person I'd imagen is blank. But Belle was right. I'll find someone, one day.

After school, me and Belle went to a little coffeeshop near the campus. We went there almost every week. It was fun, cosy and just really nice in general. There, we either chatted, worked for school together, just stared out the window or read a book. Anything what kept us busy. We sat by the window where we had a view over the large open space in front of the school. I was originally working for school but started staring out instead. At a certain moment, I saw a green haired person walking past. Oh! that's Skye! They didn't see us and just walked by, probably going to their dorm or whatever. Belle caught me looking. "Is that Alexis' friend?" She closed her book "Yeah, that's Skye" I answered. "They're a funny looking person" She smiled. "Eh... My first interactions with them aren't the greatest. But I believe they can be nice too" Belle looked puzzled. "Did something happen?" "I'm not gona go into that right now. They're just A little weird" I said quietly. I didn't want to seem like a judgy bitch or something.

Belle and I talked some more before we realised we'd been sitting there for 2 and a half hours. We decided to go home, I had to help my mom out with the garden anyways. I totally forgot.

Luckily, my buss was rather empty. I sat down and looked at my phone. First, I quickly sent a message to my mom, apologising for being so late and forgetting I was gona help her out with the garden. Then I checked my notifications. Someone added me on Instagram? I wonder who it can be. I clicked on the message, it was Skye. I thought for a moment... Should I add them I don't know.. What now if they randomly start chatting with me... I don't know what to say or what to talk about with them. I decided to leave the message be for a while. I got home and did still have some time to help my mom before dinner. After, we didn't really do much. Mom read a bit in her book and watched tv. I also watched tv and just went to my room after. I did some things for school and again, decided to lay in bed on time.

I was still thinking about the request Should I add them... I decided... Why not. I clicked on accept and quickly closed Instagram. You know that feeling where you think "Yeah! I'm gona do this!" and the second you do it, you regret it? Yea That's how I felt. I decided to watch some TikToks to change my mind but about 5 minutes after, I got a message from Skye. I felt my heart pound. And I don't even know why! I didn't want to look at it but decided I had to after a couple more minutes. I was scared but also curious. I wanted to know what they were like outside of campus or... via messages, so I clicked on it.

Skye: Hey Jamie, I'm sorry I acted off... That's Like all I have to say. Sorry

Oh... Out of everything I could've expected, this was not it.

Jamie: That's okay, it was just a little awkward. That's all. Thankyou for apologising though!

I waited for a while but I got no response. Maybe they were thinking the same way I was? Maybe they went to sleep? Or maybe they really didn't want to apologise but forced themselves or something Who knows! It was sweet of them to apologise though.

I sent a message to Alex asking her if she was with Skye, but she wasn't. Then I asked if she talked to Skye but no again. She was curious so I explained in short. I thought it was kinda funny and sweet of them to do that. Alexis agreed. I started to think that maybe I should give Skye a chance. The way they seemed to care today, the way their smile seemed so genuine, the fact they apologised You see, that's another thing about me. I can hate someone, and I mean absolutely HATE someone. But once they show the slightest bit of either improvement or petty, my entire view around them changes. At least now I got to fall asleep with an okay feeling.

Before I did, curiosity did get the better of me and I decided to check out their profile. There were some old pictures on there. Unlike me, there were no pictures with family. There weren't a lot of pictures of themselves too, mostly places they've been or food. There were 3 pictures that caught my eye though. The first one was the oldest. They didn't have any piercings yet and they had long, dark brown hair, and I really mean LONG. It literally reached their ass. It was a picture on their birthday in a zoo. Funny In the second one, Skye had shorter hair, some sort of pixie and they had a septum and an eyebrow piercing. I think this picture was also from a birthday or a party, Alexis was there too. The last picture was the messy haircut they have now, only a dark red. It suited them, if I had to be honest. Now they also had snakebites and a bridge piercing. The sad thing was that in every picture they were in, -or at least most gave that effect- Skye seemed more and more... tired? Like, their eyebags got more visible, their hygiene seemed to go downwards. And the thing that nearly made me cry -I know I'm a sensitive person- was that even in the first picture, where they were around 10-12... they already had self harm scars. Not much but... they were there

I checked their following. I saw another account with them as a profile picture, so I checked it out. This account was on private. Damn Should I follow this? No... It would seem like I'm stalking Fuck.. I was so curious because the profile picture seemed pretty recent. But I resisted my urges and went to sleep.

The rest of the week was surprisingly okay. Skye even dared to join our group if Alexis was with us too. They didn't talk much, they were just there. But they did sometimes show interest in the conversations. They also seemed to care about my personal space, and I tried to be nice to them whenever they were around.

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