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*Alexis' POV*

Jamie hopped on the buss and I waved her goodbye. Skye was humming a song and put their head on my shoulder. "You okay bud?" I asked, leaning my head on theirs. "What's wrong with Jamie?" They asked, they sounded a little dissapointed or.. sad. "What do you mean?" I asked, putting my arm around them, pulling them alittle closer. "She didn't like my hug!" I laughed a little, "Now! Not everyone likes hugs, you know that. Eh- oh shit! She forgot her bag!"

I quickly took my phone to message her via Snapchat. "Can I have her snap?" Skye said leaning over my phone. "I don't think she's gona be too happy about that."

-Hey Jamie!
-You forgot your bag dumbass xD
Oh shit! I did!!
-Is there anything in there you need tonight?
No not really... I think. Why?
-I can give it back to you tomorow morning!
Oh yea! Thats a good idea!
Thanks Alex!! <3
-No problemo!

"Why can't I have iiiiit?" Skye complained. "If you want it, ask her yourself" I said smiling. "Do I need to walk home with you?" I asked while grabbing my own and Jamie's bag. "Can't I stay over at your house?" "Whyyyy?" "Cuddles!!" They stood up as well and pulled me closer to give me a hug. "You really need a girlfriend, huh?" "Yeaaa... but who would date me?!" They said dramatically. I just laughed while we headed to their little apartment.

I've heard people say we look like a couple, me and Skye. Okay, we might do a lot.. which some friends might not do, but we were everything BUT a couple. We didn't feel anything romantic for each other.

Skye lived in a cheap complex, their home was literally 3 rooms, 1 was the kitchen, and living area or... basically bedroom. They had a small bathroom and a room which was too small to be literally anything so it just turned into a walk-in closet. It was basically like a small, cheap hotel. It wasn't a lot... but it was enough for Skye.
They lived on the 3d floor with a vieuw of the open area in front of our school, which was nice.

I lived in a house I shared with 2 guys. At first I hated the thought of being the only girl in a house with dudes. But these guys were nice. They were like bros to me! And one of them did have a girlfriend who basically lived with us as well and we got along.

When I opened the door to Skye's apartment, I was greeted with a funky smell. "You should open your windows more often... oooor just smoke outside!" I said when they got in, then I went over to the window to let in some fresh air.

The windowsill was filled with junk. Trash, dishes, sigarettes, some bottles and other small things filled the tiny space next to their bed. I even saw a little bag with weed.

I should do something about this...

They poffed down on their bed while I put the bags aside. "You gona be okay?" "Naaah!" "Skye..." They grabbed a pillow and swung it on their head. "I'ma sleep" They mumbled. I just shook my head as I started looking for some instant soup. I was hungry... that's what you get when you don't bring enough food to school!
"Say, Skye! What do you think of Jamie?" I asked a little curious. I saw they were dreamy today, and I caught them staring at her pretty often.

"I don't knoow! She didn't like my hug!" They screamed in their pillow. "You like her?" I asked while I poured hot water in 2 mugs with poudered soup. They looked up quickly with a weird look. "What? No!" I laughed. "It was just a question! Jeez!" I grabbed a spoon and sat down next to them.
"I know Jamie for a long while. She's a real nice person!" "Not to me.." They sat up and I gave them their mug. "I'm sure she is! You were just acting a little weird, you know?" They sighed. I could see in their eyes that they were tired. Not only because of school or lack of sleep, but just because of everything.


I started thinking about the last time they tried to kill theirselves... It was 3 weeks ago or something. They stood home from school and when I send them a message, asking where they were, they responded with "I'm just not doing well" I tried to chat with them as much as possible. I then called when I had lunch break and I'm glad I did... They picked up crying and panicking, telling me they couldn't take it anymore and they wanted to end it. I dropped my bags with a friend and ran to their home, banging on the door. I could hear them cry inside and after 5 minutes they finally opened the door.
A knife was in their hands and the bathtub was filled with hot water. They looked aweful, red nose and eyes, greasy hair and they were only in their underwear. I quickly wrapped my arms around them and threw the knife away, then I helped them put on my sweater which was around my waist. I stood home with them for a week till they finally felt a little better. Or... till I trusted them alone.

"Alex?" I jumped a little. "You okay?" Skye asked a little concerned. "Yeah.. Yeah I am bud! Don't you worry!" I put my arm around their shoulder again, holding them a little closer. "Are you okay, Skye?" They nodded. "... I love you Skye.. Don't forget that" I gave them a little kiss on the cheek. "I won't... You're my best friend Alexis" "I'm glad... Really glad"

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