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I just want to give yall a little note of saying, I'm sorry for not posting shit about this story but 1. I lost motivation and 2. I forgot it existed. I randomly opened my account on here and decided to read some old stuffies I made and when I read this I was like "Oh my god I need to finish this" Like it's literally been 2 years since I started it like WHAT?!?!?!

Yeah anyways I'm sorry that I stopped writing for so long and I'm already gona say sorry for the fact it will 100% happen again but eyy I'm back for I don't even know how long :'D

I put our mugs away and Skye laid down. "How about we clean your place up a bit in the upcoming weekend?" I suggested. They just looked at me, a little sad. "Are you sure you're okay bud?" "I don't know Alex..." I rearranged the blankets a little and laid down next to them. "Don't you need to do stuff for school?" Skye asked. "You're more important than school" I said while opening my arms. They scooted over to me and I held them tight. We hugged a lot, it gave both me and Skye comfort. Even though they often smelled like... I don't even know what. That was just Skye, a smelly little gremlin. I told them that maybe tomorow they could take a shower to make their hair go poofy again. They didn't like showers but they did like poofy hair so that always helped for some reason.

Skye quickly fell asleep and I decided to text Jamie. It felt good seeing her again after a long wile, but I felt something was wrong.

*Jamie's POV*

I was thinking about what happened at the buss stop. It was so weird to me that someone could be high out of their mind not even 10 minutes after school. I wouldn't even be surprised if they were high in class as well. And when they randomly hugged me... One part of me felt bad for not hugging them back or acting weird but it was just so strange. First they act like an asshole to me and now they want a hug? Also the fact that there was something even Alexis didn't want to tell me? Like... We're best friends and we tell each other everything! It was strange

I tried to set my mind to something else for the rest of the day. It was weird and just strange but I knew I shouldn't waste my time on these kind of things. Pretty early in the evening, around 8pm, I decided to already lay in bed. Not specifically to sleep, I was just on my phone and too tired to do something else. I was just scrolling on Instagram when a message popped up.

Alexis: Hey Jamie!

Jamie: Hello!

Alexis: Are you okay? It seemed like you were so happy your buss was there xD

Jamie: Yeah sorry... I just think Skye's a bit weird :/

Alexis: I gathered that

Jamie: What are you doing?

Alexis: I'm at Skye's place rn. Don't worry though, they're asleep.

Jamie: Ah... I see

Alexis: What's wrong?

Jamie: I don't know Alex... I just.. Can I be really honest?

Alexis: Please

Jamie: Earlier today at the buss stop, when Skye hugged me, I felt so fucking uncomfortable. Like... First they act like a massive bitch and now suddenly they want a hug? I don't understand that person.

Alexis: Well... Like I said, Skye was on drugs. I didn't know about it either until we met up after school. I have no idea what they took or where they took it and I don't think I'm gona find out either.

Jamie: Oh...

Alexis: I'm sorry they made you feel uncomfortable though Just... Try to keep your distance if you want. It really doesn't matter.

Jamie: But that's just the point. 1. I still want to hang out with you and 2. My dumbass feels like I can help them? I don't know.

Alexis: I don't think anyone or anything can help Skye at this moment, Jamie...

Jamie: Yeah... But.. You know me, I always feel like I can change or help someone. And I'm feeling that right now.

Alexis: I mean You can try. But I don't know how that's gona work out for ya :/

Jamie: Wdym?

Alexis: We'll talk about this tomorow, or later... I'm really tired..

Jamie: You really like putting me on edge don't you?

Alexis: Oh! >:O How dare you say that!

Jamie: Okay lol. Go to sleep

Alexis: Gn

Jamie: Goodnight

As if I needed that Like I told Alex, I'm really the type of person to want to help or even change a person that seems to be in need of some help. Even if that person is someone I strongly dislike! And yeah, sometimes it works out. But there are cases where people can't be saved. And That's my weak spot. Alexis telling me trying to help out Skye might not work out makes me feel... bad. I tried to tell myself it wasn't worth thinking about. I didn't like Skye and I shouldn't feel entitled to help them with problems I didn't cause. Still My mind wondered.

I tried to go to sleep myself and eventually I did. The next morning, my head was all over the place. I forgot to plug in my phone so it was dead, meaning my alarm didn't go off and I overslept. Then I started searching for my bag, only to realise Alexis had it with her. I had to run for my last buss which was filled to the brim like usual and I forgot to bring lunch too. "A start of an amazing day" I thought.
I was so glad I could get off of that buss. And when I did, I got greeted by Alexis. She was waiting for me at the buss stop with my bag. I looked around, expecting a Skye to jump out of nowhere but they were waiting a little further. "D-Did you tell Skye about what we talked about yesterday?" I asked her quietly. "Huh? No, once I said I was gona wait here for you, they said they were gona wait a little further" She smiled. I was so confused "Why?" I asked curiously, but Alex just lifted her shoulders. Oh yea.. Lift your shoulders. You know damn well why.

"Anyways, now I am gona go to em, you can just go if you want" She said, grabbing her bag and throwing it on her shoulder. "It's fine, I'll follow" "You're giving them a chance?" Alex smiled. I just looked at her and rolled my eyes. Skye was listening to music, their hair was hella fluffy and they weren't smoking. Once they realised we were coming up, they pulled out their headphones and smiled. Then we walked to campus, not really saying anything. Skye looked better than the day before. Maybe because they showered They still looked rough though.

Skye was wearing a shirt with short sleeves and Their arms caught my attention. Skye had cuts all over. I had seen people that self harm before but I'd never seen something like Skye. Again, I couldn't help but to feel bad.

*Skye's POV for this moment*

Why the fuck is she looking at me like that... Did I do something? Like... Hello? I can see you stare? Oooh it's my scars! aight.

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