A Sparkle

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We sat on the ground for a while, me hugging Skye and trying to comfort them the best I could. I still didn't really know this person other than the obvious So this was rather difficult. They did really seem to appreciate it though, which made me glad. They said they felt guilty for bringing me this much stress out of nowhere but I reassured them I was fine. They didn't believe that though, the guilt in their eyes made my heart weak. Fuck, what should I do... Should I stay here? Should I call Alex? God, I have no idea! "Jamie..." "Yeah" "I... I don't want to be left alone right now" Welp, there's your answer. "Do you want me to stay or call Alexis? Anyone?" They thought for a moment, then spoke with a weak, soft voice. "Can you stay?..." I nodded.

There was still so much going on in my mind. I was wondering what to tell my mom because she's the type of mom to worry about everything that happens. I was also trying to hold myself back from making plans how to clean this place up. You see, I'm a clean freak. And at that moment, I was sitting on a filthy floor in a trashfilled room. I wanted to help this poor thing. But I didn't know how... That made me feel... weak.

I was finally able to get Skye up and in bed. They sat down while I was searching for my phone in my bag. When I turned back around, they had laid down, back turned to me. I quickly send mom a message, saying I didn't know if I was gona get home that day. I told her I might be staying with a friend which... was an awful lie. Then I texted Alex.

Jamie: Hey Alex, I'm currently with Skye.

Alexis: You're with Skye?!?!?!

Jamie: Literally a second after you left, they said they were thinking about how they were gona kill themselves when they got home. So... I panicked and followed them home. They did try to chug a bottle of pills...

Alexis: Oh god! Are they okay? Are you okay?!?!

Jamie: We're both fine. I'm a little shocked but... I'll be fine, don't worry.

Alexis: Do you want me to get there?

Jamie: Skye said they wanted me to stay. I asked them if I had to call you but they said no.

Alexis: Shit man... I guess your worry ass came in clutch today, huh?

Jamie: Yeah.. Aparently...

Alexis: Jamie, I know Skye said they wanted you to stay. But... Are you sure you want to stay? Like... 1. Skye's a big deal to work with and 2. I know damn well you're not doing well right now.

Jamie: I don't know, Alex. I'm... I don't want to hurt them by leaving them, even if it's with you.

Alexis: Jamie...

Jamie: What?!

Alexis: Stop thinking about Skye for a second, how hard it may be. Think about yourself. Can. You. Handle. It.

Jamie: ...

Alexis: Do I have to come over?

Jamie: I'll be fine here, Alexis.

Alexis: They're gona hug you at night.

Jamie: I can live with that...

Alexis: They can snore...

Jamie: Alexis...

Alexis: Just warning ya!

Jamie: I'll be fine.

Alexis: Okay. Goodluck, hun.

Jamie: Thanks.

I got up and walked towards Skye. "Are you okay?" I asked while carefully leaning over the bed a bit to see if they were awake. "Yeah..." Skye answered in a quiet, weak voice. I looked around. What now... Should I... Lay next to them? Or maybe I should clean. Are they hungry? Oh man... I told Skye I had to go to the bathroom and walked away. The bathroom was just as bad as the rest of their dorm. It was clear that Skye's mental health was so bad they neglected themselves in any shape or form. I looked in the dirty mirror, before deciding I was gona clean at least a little bit. I checked the time, it was almost 5pm.

"Hey Skye..." I peeped through the bathroom door. Skye turned a bit to look at me. "Is it okay if I clean a bit?" Skye looked a bit puzzled. They looked so guilty for someone to see them in such a state. I walked over and kneeled down next to the bed. "Skye... I can see you're struggling and... I'd like to help you a bit. Even if it's just a tiny bit." They had tears in their eyes, I rubbed their shoulder. Skye nodded before hiding their face in a pillow. I nodded and went to the kitchen area. There, I found garbage bags and some cleaning suplies. I grabbed the things I needed and started in the bathroom. I was glad to find containers that were once used to hold a lot of stuff. I cleaned them out and organised a lot of Skye's stuff. Within the hour, Skye's bathroom was back to okay looking.

I started to get a little hungry so I checked on Skye. They were asleep. Already? How do you even do that? I questioned myself. There was not much in their fridge and I didn't want to order take-out for only myself. So I decided to start cleaning the kitchen a bit, hoping they'd wake up so I could ask what they wanted to eat. It was when I started doing the dishes that I saw movement in the corner of my eye. "Hey bud, are tou hungry?" They looked confused. "Huh..." "It's half past 6. You wana eat something?" It was clear that Skye literally just woke up. They had no clue of what I was saying. I turned around. "I wanted to order some take-out. Do you want something too?" They nodded. Finally... We agreed on a place and we ordered some food. I finished the dishes and before we knew it, it was dinnertime.

We ate in silence. I looked at my phone and saw Alexis was checking up on me. I made sure she knew everything was fine and finally tried to have a conversation with Skye. "How long have you been living here?" They looked up, seemingly not expecting a conversation. "Uh... about 2 years, I think" Their voice was so... innocent sounding, nothing like before. The first time we met their voice was loud and kind of annoying. The second time they were... well.. high and other times they seemed either just calm or hyper active. But I'd never heard them speak so soft like that. "Do you go home to your family in the hollidays?" They shook their head. Oh... "My family... isn't... really that nice" They gave me a faint smile. "I'm sorry..." "That's okay. Believe it or not, I'm better off here than with them. And at least they still give me some money to survive here. Anything to keep me out of the house" They laughed quietly. Oh god... A part of me was hoping their home situation was at least decent. ... Who am I kidding... look at this place, at them! No loving family would let it get this bad... "How about your family?" Skye asked. "I still live with them full time. I don't have a dorm." They smiled.

After dinner, Skye helped a bit with cleaning the kitchen before we sat down at the now clean table to do some homework. Their notes were nothing like mine. I always had my notes clean, neat and organised. Theirs were all over the place and their notebook was almost falling apart already. We studied a bit and even worked together for a while. Aparently, Skye was very interested in astrology. I didn't understand anything from the class we had together but the way Skye told me about it with such passion made me understand at least a little bit.

It was nice to see them talk about something like that. It gave them color, a sparkle.

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