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A couple weeks passed, our friend group grew a little, a new girl jumped in and sometimes Alexis would join as well when she could. It was a fun group!
But then... there was Tess. Sometimes her ego or just 'she' herself could just be too much. She always thought she was the princess of the group, only caring for herself. She had a negative comment ready for everything we said and when there were boys... god when there were boys.
If a boy walked past us or just came close to us, she would go from an absolute bitch to the sweetest girl on earth. She was always a little 'pick me'... Literally... Because she was actually short.

The only thing that bothered me other than Tess, was... whenever we had breaks together, I could always see Skye sitting alone if they weren't lucky Alexis sat with them. They seemed so lonely, and the worst part was, I never knew if they minded or not. Who knows? Maybe they liked sitting alone, or maybe they absolutely didn't... I honestly didn't want to ask anyways, so I kinda let them be.

"You reaaaaly sure it ain't love, Jamie?" Belle said laughing. "What? No! They're just... They seem so lonely..." The group was silent. "Well she's a freak anyways!" All our eyes went to Tess. Ofcourse it was her... "What! Don't look at me like that, you know I'm right!" She continued. "Do you mind shutting the hell up for a sec?" Alexis growled. "And by the way, if you don't stop using she and her-" "What then? She's clearly a girl!" This made the whole group mad. Or... mad? I don't know, we were just staring angrily at her, hoping she would stop. But ofcourse she didn't. "God, I'm not gona use that 'pronounce' shit! I ain't gay!" She screamed. "That's just human decency, Tess..." Belle added. She just sighed and walked away

finally... she left

Sometimes I really wanted to punch her in the face. Wouldn't be surprised if it actually happened one day.

School was finally over, and we could go home again. Like usual, I walked to the busstop, not looking around because I was on my phone. When I did look up, I saw people sitting on the bench by the busstop. I didn't want to bother them so I waited on my buss a little further.

The smell of sigarette smoke entered my nose which made me frown a little. Wait...
I looked up at the 2 people that were sitting on the bench. Alexis and Skye.. When they noticed I was looking at them, Skye started waving at me "Come sit here!" They called. "Oh fuck" I whispered to myself with a fake smile as I walked towards the 2. "~Hi Jamie!~" Skye stood up and gave me a hug. "~God I'm so fucking lonely, Jamie! You don't wana know!~" Alexis started laughing while I stood there confused and uncomfortable.

God they smelled
Not only like they haven't showered in like 2 weeks... I think it was drugs...
And then their behavior.. something was off

So I took Alexis aside for a second, Skye seemed fine with it. "Hey Alex... the fuck is going on with Skye?" I asked "Well... you know I told you they were a bad example right?" I nodded. "Aaaand I told you they do drugs.." We looked at Skye, who was on their phone. They looked like they were vibing but... yeah maybe the drugs was why... "I don't think they're doing fine, honestly..." She said.

"You know... I really think they need love." Alexis said, putting her arm around my shoulder. "Why that?" "I- I would want to tell you... but the reason I know is a liiiitle secret! Or well.. secret, you're gona find it disgusting" She said while walking back to the bench. "W-wait! Now I wana know!" I followed her. "Maybe later, don't wana traumatize ya lol! Anyways, your buss is here" I looked up at the road and indeed, my buss arrived. So I quickly jumped on.

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