I'm not gay!

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Skye forgave me rather quickly. When school was over and I was walking to the busstop, they ran up to me. I apologised to them, not mentionning the fact I had no clue what I did wrong. They seemed to accept it. I asked them what they were doing at the busstop, knowing their dorm was literally in sight. Aparently they had to go somewhere and they would take the same buss as I. We stepped on and it was busy. There was 1 seat open and Skye offered it to me.

You know when you're sitting or standing on a buss and people randomly just bump into you and rub against you? Or they just get so close in your personal space you feel scared to even breathe. This was one of those cases. Skye noticed I was feeling uncomfortable by a guy almost pressing his ass in my face and they gently shoved him aside, taking his place in front of me. I looked up and they smiled. I smiled back. For some reason, I felt... something. I don't know what it was but it was weird. I tried to ignore it.

Skye had to get off a couple stops before me. I waved bye to them and pulled out my phone. Alexis had texted me again.

Alexis: You already on the buss?

Jamie: Yeah, sorry. It was earlier than usual.

Alexis: Oh thats fine. Did you see Skye again?

Jamie: Yeah, they had to take the same buss and just got off.

Alexis: Oh really?

Jamie:  Yeah. And I also apologised to them, they seemed pretty okay with it.

Alexis: That's awesome. Wana hang out this evening?

Jamie: Oooh why not?

Alexis: Come over whenever you want :)

I put my phone away, smiling slightly. I got home and did what I usually did. Have a convo with my mom, do some schoolwork and help her out a bit in the house. Right after dinner, I decided to leave to Alex's place. I again took a buss which was way less packed and walked to her dorm.

When I got inside, I was greeted by one of her roommates and his girlfriend. They seemed like nice people. We went to her room and we sat down on the bed. Alex spoke, "Do you wana go do something or just chill here? I honestly don't mind" "Maybe we can just chill. I'm kinda tired" "Fair, fair" She got herself comfortable and rested her chin on her hands. "And how's Skyyyye?" She smiled widely. "Dude... You're asking that like I know them better than you." "Noooo! I mean... How are you 2 getting along?" I shrugged. "I think it's too soon to tell... I mean they did lash out at me today but then again they forgave me pretty quickly..." Alexis nodded. She seemed pretty happy we sorta got along."Do you know where they were going after school?" She asked. "No. The only thing I remember of the buss is how they gave me the only available seat and how they blocked a mans ass from squishing my face." "Awwwwhe... They offered you the seat?" "Don't act like its a big deal..." She shrugged.

"I think they like you" I looked up, a little confused. "I mean like... friend, you know. Skye doesn't have many friends but you know when they like someone." "Oh... I see." I smiled. They did seem way nicer to be around. "I think they're trying for you." "Trying?" "Trying to... look okay. I think it's quite obvious that you think they can be a lill disgusting. They care about your opinion which is also... wow..." That shocked me a little. I answered quietly. "Is it that bad... Shit... I thought I was okay at hiding it" Alex laughed. "You so aren't! It's okay though. They look better, lately. I don't know if it's you or just an energy boost."

We talked about this for a while. Trying to hopefully improve my 'aparently really bad' acting skills. I again mentionned the bussride, how I felt when Skye scooted the guy out of the way for my comfort. "Ya got butterflies, Jamieeeee?" We laughed. "Ew! Stop!" "No but like... for real. What did you feel?" "Dude, I don't even know. It was so weird." Alex laid her head down on my lap and looked up to me. "You gay?" My eyes widened. "Excuse me..." "You gay?" She asked again. "I- no! I'm not gay, the fuck do you mean?" She sat back up. "Well... you felt a tingle, now didn't ya?" "Oh my god stop..." She laughed again. "Cmon... you sure you're straight, Jamie? You don't like dem titties?" She said in a funny way, grabbing and bouncing her own chest. "Alex, no!" I laughed. "You like dick then?" My face scrunched up and I fake gagged. "Damn, thats a no." She chuckled. She kept telling me I might be gay, at least bi. But I had none of it. It wasn't like I was homophobic or something, fuck no! I didn't mind gay people at all, sometimes I even thought they were cuter than the straight, typical highschool couples. I was just... not gay. I did not see myself in a relationship with a woman.

We talked some more about random stuff and late in the evening, I remembered something. "Say... Skye texted me on Insta, right?" Alex looked at me. "I might've been going through their following and I saw another account with them as the profile picture. But its private... should I... follow it?" She smiled at me. "You stalker." "Whaat? I was curious." She seemed to be thinking. There's something about that account I swear... She grabbed her phone and opened insta, she looked for the account and opened it, turning the screen away from me. "Wana do a gay test?" I looked at her. "You're concerning me now..." She seemed to be scrolling and stopped by a picture. She showed me the phone and my jaw dropped.

Skye was sitting in a rather... seductive way and was wearing some sort of dress with random cutouts. Alex turned the phone back and scrolled again. She showed me another picture, this one was a mirror pic. Skye looked confident. They were in a sportsbra and joggings and even though it was so simple, it looked good. Skye didn't really have the 'perfect body' but... I couldn't help but stare. "Jamie... you're so gay" "wha- Whaat! I've never seen them like this before! I thought they were like... very insecure about their body, I didn't expect this!" She laughed. "Skye? Shy? Heeeell no!" I chuckled. "I don't think you should follow it without asking them. There are some uh... interesting pictures on there" Oh god... Well damn now you got me curious! "You better get used to the bra and joggings combo though. You don't wana know how many times they opened the door for me wearing only that." I looked at her. "Or you got the classic big shirt and underwear combo" She chuckled. She was still scrolling and her face said there was something interesting. "What..." "I don't know if Skye would appreciate me sharing this one, hun." "What is it?" She gave me a cheeky smile and sighed. "I won't tell em, I swear." "I know but..." She looked at her phone. "Damn" Girl now you got me on edge... She smiled at me. "Let's just saaay... they're wearing something like a bikini and look... very... confident" I gave her a look that just told her to let me see.

And oh my god... did I want to follow that account. This Skye... had something. No... there's no way... They... just look hot, doesn't mean I'm gay! It seemed like Alexis could read my inner dialog because she interrupted my thoughts. "You good?" "Dude... I did not... expect that" She smiled. "Yeah... and man, you're so straight." She said, slamming her arm around my neck. "Oh fuck off!"

I meant it when I said I didn't expect that from Skye. They always seemed... more shy? They always wore something baggy or something that covered their entire body. And for some reason, now that I knew what they kinda looked like... it felt weird.

She looked at me and seemed to be thinking for a second. You know... this reminds me of something...

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