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Its been a few weeks you working in this company, this company does a lot of job. For mitsuya and yuzuha side, they both working on modeling and fashion designers stuff. For draken, he's handling the biggest bike shop in whole tokyo, shiniciro was helping him too since shiniciro were into bikes. As for the twins, restaurants is what they do. You are surprised and proud that this company can do a lot of job in one time. Since money come in each day, you bet kokonoi is tired to make sure that the money been used wisely. So today, you decided to go and check him.

As you were walking to his room, you bumped on inupi. You walk up to him to ask if kokonoi is in his office.

"Inupi kun!" he then turn around.

"Oh, it's you, Y/N. Do you need anything?"

You smiled at him then said,"Is kokonoi kun in his office?"

"Why yes.He is." his voice become a little deeper.

"Okay then thank you inupi kun!" you waved him goodbye and went to kokonoi office.After you left him, he called someone from his phone.

You knocked the door.No one answered then you decided to open it. It might be kinda rude for you to come in just like that but you just want to make sure if there's really no one in it.

The room was dark.You're trying to turn on the lamp then you felt someone hand was on your waist and closed the door. You try to let go but whoever it is,they are too strong. You thought it was kokonoi but then,

"I've been waiting for you, doll." a voice whispered on your ear, and his hot breath was on your neck.

His unfamiliar voice was hot, you admitted yourself but then you shake it off you head.

"W-Who-" a finger was brushing against your lips, telling you to keep quite.

"Well little doll, i might want you to guess. If you guess it right, i'll give you reward~"

You gulped then answered," Rindou kun?"

He click his tongue. " That asshole." he slowly said then continue," No doll.Well, you guessed wrong, you need some punishment do you?" he trail his hand down and spank your ass. You winced then try to think another person.

" Since when this become a game? Well i dont care and i need to get out of here. Huh if rindou wasn't here thats mean ran also wasnt here." you thought then something pop out your mind. You remembered there are three people wearing suit beside shiniciro. You then try to feel if the person wearing suit.

" Oh ya? So touchy i see~Its okay, just touch me however you like~ tho you might need to be responsible for what happen next, doll." he said.

You try to feel if the person wears tie, and he really is wearing tie." Haruchiyo kun?" you straight up answered him. Then he turn on the light and you saw him pouted.

" Aww, no fun." he let you go then sit on the couch.

" Where's kokonoi kun?" you asked him.

" He went to check on something he said. So i borrowed his office since his office has more privacy." he sat down man spread. He then patted the space between his leg and asked you to sit down.

" Now dolly." he tucked your hair." Time for your reward~" he lift up your skirt, gently caressing your thigh, purposely to make you turn on then he bit your ear which making you whimpered.

" Oh ho?~" he stopped. He then placed you on his lap and grabbed your chin. He smashed his lips with yours. The kiss full of lust and love. He then hugged you placing his face in between your breast. " So warm and fluffy." he said while enjoying it. You irked and smacked his head. " Ouch! What was that for?!" he said while rubbing his head." Everything." you said then couldn't help but to laugh on his mad face while rubbing his head. " What's so funny?" he faced away from you. You then patted his head and said," Nothing." you then get up but he stopped you by grabbing your hand.

" Could you stay for a while? I need someone with me." he pouted.

You sighed then sat beside him. He put his head on your shoulder. He played with your hand.  He then ask you a bunch of questions. You answered each and every one of it.

" Thank you Y/N." he smiled.

" Your welcome." you stared at him.


" Nothing."

There he goes again pouted.

" I swear i didn't expect he would be this cute." you thought.

He then walked you back to your office. He don't want wanna you to leave at first but then you said you got a lot of things to accomplish so you'll hangout with him later.

" Now, time to work." your working mode on.

Its been a while since you started so you decided to take a break.

" Need coffee? I brought you some."

" Woah shit. smiley kun, dont just appear liked that."

He chuckled then hands you the coffee.

" Thanks. I really need this." you said. smiley then leaned it.

" W-What?"

" Kiss. As a reward."

" What?"

You hesitated at first but looking from his look, he wont back down until he gets what he want.

You pecked him on the lips and he chuckled.

" Is my baby tired?" he patted your head. " Kinda." you said then place down your cup.

" Well you can rest for a while. No one gonna yell at you. If they did, i'll yell them back." you then chuckled. " No need smiley kun. Im good. Thanks again." you smiled then continue do your job. Smiley then excused himself. " Well then, next time i'll bring you something to eat okay?" you nodded and he headed out.


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