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It was 7 pm when Seokhoon weakly walked towards the fridge.

He opened it and grabbed a bottle of water, struggling to open it.

After a minute of trying, he successfully opened the bottle, gulping it in one go.

It has been 2 days since he felt sick. His head and body felt so heavy that he had to drag himself to walk around the house.

He walked towards the sofa and laid down, grabbing the pillow beside him.

He placed the pillow under his head and closed his eyes, wishing for this shit to end.

Seoltang whimpered, she felt that her owner was not okay which made her feel worried.

She jumped up the sofa, pressing her head on Seokhoon's arm to give him a little bit of warmth.

Seokhoon opened his eyes and saw his dog. He weakly smiled, caressing her head.

"I'll be okay Seoltang-ah, your mom said that she'll take care of me." Seokhoon weakly chuckled, closing his eyes.

As if Rona heard what he was saying, she suddenly entered the house with the key that Seokhoon gave for her.

She sighed, seeing Seokhoon still not feeling better.

She walked towards the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water. She asked her mom for medicines and Yoonhee gave a lot of medicines and drinks for Seokhoon.

Feeling a presence beside him, Seokhoon opened his eyes again, but this time he smiled, but weakly.

She offered her hand, pulling him to make him sit down. 

"Drink this." She passed him the medicine and the water.

He drank the medicine and placed the water in the table.

He sighed, laying down again. Rona placed her hand in his forehead, checking his temperature.

"Your fever is still high, are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?" Rona worriedly said.

Seokhoon chuckled, removing Rona's hand from his forehead and held it instead.

He caressed her hand, reassuring her that he'll be fine.

"I'll be okay Rona-yah, thanks for worrying about me," He smiled. 

Rona looked at him sadly, he's been overworking himself the past couple of days.

He wanted to finish his school works before celebrating Christmas so he could spend time with his family, and also with Rona.

He did finish it, but ended up sick 3 days before Christmas.

Seokhoon looked at Rona and saw her expression. She was looking at the floor with a sad pout in her face.

He chuckled and pulled her, making her lay down beside him.

Seokhoon wrapped his arm around Rona, making him feel warmer.

"You're warm." He hugged her tighter, snuggling his nose on her shoulder.

Rona smiled, and played with Seokhoon's hair.

For some reasons, he loved it when people plays with his hair, it makes him sleepy.

Seokoon closed his eyes, feeling groggy.

"Please don't overwork yourself again," She said softly.

Seokhoon chuckled, pulling her more closer to him.

"Thank you for taking care of me Rona-yah, It must have been tiring for you. After this I'll make it up to you, I promise."

Rona smiled, nuzzling her nose in his shoulder.

"You being here with me is enough Seokhoon-ah."

Seokhoon softly smiled, feeling the after effects of the medicine that he just drank.

He turned around, making Rona face his chest. He placed his chin on her head, wrapping his hands around her.

"I'm sleepy, goodnight Rona-yah," 

"I love you." 

Rona looked up and saw that Seokhoon has completely fell asleep.

She slowly removed herself from his embrace, grabbing the blanket on the other side of the couch.

She covered him with the blanket and crouched down, facing him.

She brushed the strands of hair that was blocking his forehead and smiled.

She leaned towards him, kissing him in the forehead.

"I love you too, Seokhoon-ah."

(Peobably the chapter that made me feel more single than usual)

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