Valentines day

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"I swear to the heavens Bae Rona if you don't get your ass out of that couch I will kick you hard that you won't feel your ass for days." Seokkyung spitted.

After new years eve, Seokkyung and Rona became the best of friends. Rona and her parents stayed at the Lee's house for 3 days so Seokkyung had a lot of time to hangout with her new friend.

She kept on stealing Rona from her brother for some "Girl time" she said, which kinda made Seokhoon pissed at his sister, yet he's happy that Rona made a friend. 

Seokkyung didn't give a shit about his brother's whining.

A week before Valentines day, Seokkyung suggested to help Rona make some chocolates for Seokhoon since this is the first Valentines day that Rona had celebrated.

Rona wasn't fond of chocolates but Seokkyung kept on bugging her so she just agreed. 


Seokkyung whined at Rona who was too lazy to even move a muscle. She was just staring at the tv, not caring about Seokkyung's whining.

Seokkyung rolled her eyes and thought of something that would make Rona less lazy. She stopped bugging her and looked at the tv.

Rona was watching a documentary about flowers which made her thought of something.

"If I plant flowers with you will you move now?"

Without hesitation, Rona stood up and walked towards the kitchen. Seokkyung scoffed, walking towards Rona who was trying to wear an apron.

Rona looked at Seokkyung and smiled.

"What are we gonna do first Miss Lee Seokkyung?"



"Oppa didn't bring his car today so we'll pick him up, also go give him your chocolate. Oppa is pretty famous in school and a lot of people likes oppa in his school so girl take your shot." Seokkyung grinned.

Seokkyung had asked Rona to come with her to the mall but her real plan was to pick up Seokhoon and make Rona give her chocolate to him.

I need to see some cringy shitz today my life is getting boring.

The 2 have arrived in Seokhoon's school. They parked on a nearby cafe so Seokhoon wouldn't see nor notice Seokkyung's car.

It was a snowy afternoon and all of the students were wearing a long padded jacket to avoid the cold as much as possible.

The 2 leaned at the wall beside the gate of his school, waiting for him to come out.

The gate was open and anyone could easily enter and can easily look inside.

"Are you sure he didn't leave yet? It's been 30 minutes," Rona shivered.

Seokkyung started to get annoyed and was tempted to call her brother but if she did, it wont be a surprise anymore. 

Seokkyung lost her patience and was about to grab her phone when they suddenly heard screams.

The 2 looked at the entrance of the school and saw a huge crowd of girls, who looked like they're trying to get someone's attention.

"Oppa please accept my chocolate!"

Seokkyung huffed, crossing her arms arrogantly. 

Rona, who was holding the box of chocolates, hid the box in her back and looked down.


The crowd went quiet and looked at the person who screamed. They looked at her and instantly made way for her.

Seokkyung was the queen of the school and people were intimidated by her. Seokhoon looked at her sister and widened his eyes.

He walked towards her, making the crowd form a huge circle around them.

"Seokkyung-ah! What are you doing here? Isn't it your vacation?"

"Your girlfriend came to pick you up. I just went with her." She shrugged cockily, looking behind her.

Seokhoon looked at what his sister was looking at and smiled.

"RONA-YAH!" He smiled, walking towards Rona who grinned at him.

The crowd gasped. Lee Seokhoon has a girlfriend?

"What are you doing here? Isn't it cold? Yah you should've stayed home."

He removed the scarf in his neck, wrapping it into her neck to keep her warm. 


Seokkyung coughed, gesturing her to give the gift.

"Uhm Seokhoon-ah, this is for you." She handed him a red box that was decorated with ribbons and had a folded note in it. 

"Me and Seokkyung-ah made it." She said quietly.

Seokhoon smiled, accepting her gift and placed it in his bag. 

"What the fuck he never accepts chocolate from anyone!"
"I'm jealous but the girl is cute so whatever."
"I think I like her instead,"

Seokhoon held her hand, placing their hands in his pocket.

"I'll eat your chocolate at home. But let's go home it's getting cold and I don't want my girlfriend to get sick that's a no no." He smiled, pulling her outside the gate.

Seokkyung, who was still circled by the crowd gave the people a death stare.

The crowd quickly vanished and Seokkyung smirked and walked, following the two love birds who obviously forgot about her already.

She rolled her eyes and smiled, humming happily while kicking the snow on the street.

Misson? SUCCESS!

(I'll upload the continution of this tomorrow <3)

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