Part Eight

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Every pure intention ends when the good times start
Fallin' over everything to reach the first time's spark

"What am I even doing? Of course I'm just trying to escape reality again. I always have to make up these foolish scenarios where everyone acts the opposite of what they'd normally do. What is wrong with me? Do I really want everyone to be the opposite of who they are?"

You paused your writing with a long, extremely drawn-out sigh. You were exhausted. Somehow writing about people's 'hidden' personalities managed to drain you. Besides, the scenarios just sounded so fake. You weren't getting anywhere.

All you wanted was to get the attention of this nice guy that you met at a bar once. You both were coincidentally recently divorced, though the circumstances were very different, and you felt like you had a bond with this man.

A man who you had no idea about. You don't even know his name. You were sure he had told it to you sometime, but you were probably too drunk to remember. Maybe his name was Loki, and that's why you kept going back to that name. Or maybe it was because you just liked the name and how it felt to type it out on a keyboard. You didn't know.

You sigh again. Were you really this lonely to create scenes in your head of a man you've met only once? It seemed desperate, even in your own head.

"Ugh, why can't I just not have an obsession with something for once in my life? Why can't I just enjoy life without having one thing on my mind every day?" It was annoying at this point. Why did you always have to be so fixated on something that you can't even think properly sometimes?

Being 22 was hard most times. Though your whole life had been hard- it's in own way. No, your parents didn't die or leave you when you were young, leaving you to fend for yourself or join a gang. Your parents were actually quite supportive of you, and still are. They paid for your university fees. And for your first car. They were everything that you could've hoped for in the parenting department.

Though something was missing. There was a hole in your heart that had been there for years. You wanted to truly know someone, and not just as a friend.

It was time to go out into the world and meet people. It was time to be with someone.

"Okay, almost finished writing this down..." you mumble to yourself. It was the next chapter in your small Loki series. And it was just as cringey as the other parts. "What am I even doing writing this?" You throw your hands down on your bed and huff. Your phone then buzzes next to you. You pick it up, thinking that it was probably just your friend Amy.

But it wasn't. The name 'barrr dude lok' was displayed. "Huh." You look at the text.

Barrr dude lok: Hey, this is Loki. You know, from the other night. We should hang out again.

You: Oh, hey. Yeah. Place we met last time, at 7?

Barrr dude lok: See you there ;)

You placed your phone back down, staring at the screen. What was that? That was the last thing that you had expected to ever happen, and yet it did. You barely even remember this man, except for his dark-than-night locks and his shining green eyes. And the fact that he is tall. 

Around 6 foot, or so.

Well, there was only one thing you could do now.

"Alright, guess I'm going to have to get ready."


My bad habits lead to late nights endin' alone
Conversations with a stranger I barely know

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