Part One

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"Am I cursed?"

"No, of course not, darling. Magic doesn't exist." Loki's face doesn't change, but something in his eyes do. It's quite suspicious, the small sparkle that shines in his pupils whenever magic comes up in a conversation. Which surprisingly is a lot.

"Then why does this keep happening to me?"

"I don't know darling." There it was. That sparkle again. You narrow your eyes, feeling as if he was lying.

"You wouldn't... happen to know anything about it, Loki? Anything at all?"

"I already told you, love, I do not-"

"You know, Loki is quite an unusual name. Almost sounds as if it were from another world." You cock your head to the side, waiting for an answer.

Really, you had been thinking about how Loki was so different for months. At first, you didn't believe that he could possibly be from another planet, but after Amy started telling you about how weird it was that Loki shared the same name as a Norse God, you started to doubt your original thoughts. At first you could've just taken the fact that maybe his parents were really into Norse mythology, but now, after witnessing his... unique habits and ways with words, you started to find that maybe it was the impossible: Loki was a God. On Earth.

Loki couldn't help it. His eyes widened just a little, and that was when you knew. You had learnt over time, ironically from him, to look for even the smallest of details. And know you were using it against him.

"Magic's not real, huh? What else isn't real, Loki? Gods? Curses?" You hiss.

"I... was not expecting this." Loki takes a step back. You advance.

"I have one question," the man- no, God, whispers- "How did you know?"

"It was obvious, was it not? Your habits, your name, that bloody glint in your eye whenever you lie- I eventually found out that the impossible is possible. God of lies. Why, Loki? Why did you pick me to play your little deceiving games?"

"I quite like you, you know. You possess qualities that any man would love, though there was something about you. You have so much spirit, so much hope. I wanted to break that. But I see that I may have in fact done the opposite. I will be taking my leave now. Do not expect to see me troubling you ever again, Midgardian. You may now live your life without me always behind your back. Why don't you shoot your shot with someone else? Perhaps Mark, even? I know how much you adore him, even when you said you loved me."

"Wha- so I guess this is goodbye then?"

"Yes, my dear. Goodbye now," Loki moves past you, heading to your door.

"Wait, Loki!" The words come out of your mouth before you even have a chance to think about them.

"Yes, my love?"

"I still love you. Even after this."

"Then you are a fool. But darling, I'll be watching." Loki gives you his signature grin. As he heads out of the door he mutters, "see you soon," which you didn't hear.

After Loki left, you found yourself sitting on your couch, with your head in your hands. You had to admit that he was right about Mark: there had always been a part of your heart that had belonged to Mark, no matter how sweet and loving Loki was. It was as if a part of you knew to be cautious around Loki, and that's why you had held back with your love. You never fully loved Loki, and now you knew why. 

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