surgeons cut #1

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Renamed the ballad of Dr. Kale to Severed Veins Reach Up In Rapture

Youtube Playlist???

Featuring: tons of tracks from my high school mp3 player that I still own and use. It's 14 years old!!!

It still works. Why do you still use an mp3 player from a short lived company that hasn't been a thing in over a decade?

If it works I use it. I still used a brick flip phone until 2018 because I was too much if a cheapskate to buy a smartphone and it annoyed my mom bc I never answered texts so she forcibly cut my line on the family plan and got me a smartphone for Xmas in 2017.

I am really not great with tech and most people seem to assume otherwise and it's like.... no.

Ok so I am good with a lot of different online apps and shit but only ones I've learned to use for my own business and outside of thst I got no fickin idea what the hell anything is.

I don't even know how to turn the TV on. I don't even have my own tv. My mom has like, deluxe ultra badass TV with all the roku, hulu whatever Netflix stick and all the HBO channels. The only TV show I've watched in like... the last 4 or so years has been WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS and I don't know how to use the really nice and fancy smart TV in my living room so I have to wait until I can find it on some virus ridden pirate site to watch it.

Went on vacation to see my brother in Oregon!!! My slr broke so like, half of my film is totally ficked and the other has occasionally times where you can see the shutter breaking

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Went on vacation to see my brother in Oregon!!! My slr broke so like, half of my film is totally ficked and the other has occasionally times where you can see the shutter breaking.

Went on vacation to see my brother in Oregon!!! My slr broke so like, half of my film is totally ficked and the other has occasionally times where you can see the shutter breaking

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Pictured: nice, clear landscape.

Pictured: nice, clear landscape

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