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The rest of that day was spent with the Avenger mopping around and bullying Thor, who didn't care since he spent most of his day back with Natalia. The day of the party, however, was more chaotic. Natalia spent the day organizing the party with Pepper since Tony didn't know how to throw his party.

She handled the guest list, and food while Pepper handled the decorations and payments. Talia didn't understand how rich people had time for parties. Especially last-minute ones, but for Tony Stark, they always showed up.

Though she wasn't a fan of parties all the time, she did like to dress up and drink. It seemed like as soon and she hopped on board with the party idea, they all did, satisfying Tony. Right now she was getting some coffee for Bruce and Tony since she didn't have time this morning to this morning. She got Tony his own because he likes to drink hers, even though he wanted hers not his own. He would offer her some of his before he would drink it, if not he sipped it slowly.

"My handsome boys hard at work I see," she said as she entered their joint lab. Tony and Bruce both looked up at her blushing lowly. Tony hid his with a smirk, while bruce just let it be. She walked to Bruce giving him his coffee, letting him kiss her on the cheek, and then walked to Tony, letting him do the same. He glared at his coffee and then back at her. Natalia and Bruce both rolled their eyes, before Natalia drank some of his coffee and giving it back to him.

He let out a little 'yay' before drinking it. Shaking his head Bruce asked, "How's the party planning," to which she sat down dramatically huffing out. Bruce chuckled.

"That bad huh," he asked.

"Why can't Tony plan the party, It's his Party," Natalia questioned, "oh wait because he's an incompetent ass who just throws money at things," she joked while glaring at Tony. He simply shrugged at her.

"But guess who's still planning it?" he questioned causing Natalia to throw random things on the desk at him.

"Idiot," she huffed.


For the rest of the day, Veronica finished up the final things for the party while hanging out with the team. The team was like a bunch of kids who want the attention of their drunken mother. They were high maintenance. She had finally gotten away from them, telling them it was time to get ready. They reluctantly listened and got dressed.

She took a hot shower letting all her stress from the day out. When she got out, she lathered herself up with her favorite lotion as well as brush her teeth, and washing her face. She then went to her closet and picked out a dress. She had trouble deciding until she saw a gorgeous gold dress in the back of her closet. It was simple but her body spiced it up. She quickly got dressed, spraying some perfume on then started to style her hair.

She added some jewelry and some matching heels and was ready to go. She looked in the mirror happy with how she looked, which shooked her but made her way out of her room. She checked her phone seeing she was 30 minutes late.

"Black people timing," she thought to herself. On the way down to the room in which the party was being held, she heard and felt the bass of the loud music playing. She smelled some of the food getting excited, wanting to just eat and drink, maybe dance. She walked into an empty elevator taking it three floors down.

The Avengers were getting kind of worried that Natalia wouldn't show up. Pepper was worried as well, knowing how much time Natalia put into this last-minute party. But they all kept their friendly faces on and mingled. Bucky and Steve had a drink in their hand standing around a pool table with Sam. Tony was with Rhodey talking to old friends. Clint, Wanda, and Bruce were at the bar with Natasha behind it, talking amongst themselves. While Thor was speaking with a small crowd about Asguard.

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