1. new place, new beginning

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Win is nervous. Confused, excited, not freaking out but might throw up kinda nervous. Through out his journey from Phuket to Bangkok and from his dorm to the university, he kept telling himself it wouldn't be as big a deal. So what if this is the first time he'd stepped out of his hometown, away from the protective wings of his father and over affectionate mae. From what his mother's single important advice had been, he was sure he'd be fine as long as he believes in himself. Right? Wrong. Because he believed this mug of fancy blue hawaii would taste good, may be not good enough to replace the love he has for his own kind of plain white chocolate mocha he used to buy in the evening supermarket back in hometown but at least good enough to swallow it down. Needless to say, it tastes like soap and plastic. Urgh, the artificiality of cities. Win also believed his plain blue shirt and white trousers would suffice just right for his first day at uni but clearly, he feels under dressed around students, looking like sparkling walking rainbows. It's not like Win thinks they are dressed too much. He rather fathoms this is what they normally look like which makes him feel even worse - the realisation that he's looking so ordinary when in fact, he is at his best while everybody else seems effortlessly cool. His inner babbles continue mocking himself, like so many curious pair of eyes hadn't already done enough.

"Win" Type says, grasping his hands tightly, "you okay?"

Win wants to say he'd be if he were not being watched like he's grown horns.

"Avoid people. You're new so they must be curious. Anyways, finish your breakfast. We have to meet my friends later remember?"

Win nods, wiping the dampness on his forehead.


Win roots himself near the wall as Type and his friends catch up after long summer breaks. They were only two, Win notices, breathing in relief. He smiles awkwardly even though nobody's giving him a glance but in case anybody does, he doesn't want to come out as rude. He taps the floor with his feet, looking up and around when someone from the group speaks.

"Wow. Looks like Type brought a summer gift for us."

Win's eyes widen as he realises all the faces are turning towards him and he shuffles with his hands.

"Right" Type announces, "this is my cousin, Win and Win, these are my friends.."

Win smiles nervously as they greet him and the boy who had spoken earlier taps his shoulder.

"Type has told us so much about you. I'm Man, in all ways of course. Come to me if ever you need anything."

Type rolls his eyes, swatting Mike's hand off of his shoulder,"..And nobody, especially not my boyfriend, is allowed to flirt with him."

They all laugh, leaving Win flustered.

"Ignore him" he hears one of them say, "hi I'm Bright."

Win notices the boy and figures he must be the university heartthrob his phi has told him about. His flawless, handsome face obviously gives it away.

Win returns his warm smile as they shake hands, "nice to meet you phi."

Bright smiles, "likewise. You must know your sappy brother brags a lot about you. It almost feels like we're meeting a celebrity."

Type rolls his eyes while Win chuckles in small.

He says, "He does, doesn't he?"

Bright gives a friendly nod and suddenly, Win starts settling comfortably within the group, still not speaking much but appreciating the fact that they neither force him to. He learns about Type's friends, their idiosyncrasies Win could only hope he'd be a part of too, someday. That's what he wants right? To make friends and have his share of fun that he is always been deprived of. Not that he complains about his life until now, he knows he wouldn't trade it for world. He just wants to have a taste of life. And he feels he is starting to get some as his eyes land on a guy, huffing and walking briskly in their direction.

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