6. wake me up when phi Baii comes

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"Phi Baii?" Win exclaims, seeing Bright standing at the main entrance of his dorm, "what are you doing here?"

Bright gulps. His words are all frozen now that he's here and Win only makes it worse by touching his forehead and cheeks.

"You're sweating. Is everything okay? Why aren't you at practice?"

Bright wants to speak but doesn't know how to and he wants to run away too but wouldn't that be weird?

Before he could speak, his phone chimes. A text from his coach to bring his ass back to the court.

"Uh- I'll have to go now" he says, "I'm gonna be busy till tomorrow. I'll call you. Bye."

Right, he needs time to process everything but mostly how is he going to say it? What would he say? What if Win reciprocates his feelings? He's afraid he'd die of bliss. But what if he rejects him? He wouldn't be able to survive that too.

No no, he definitely needs time.

"Ah yes, one more thing" Bright says, stopping in his track and turning back on his heels.

"Don't call me phi anymore."

Bright runs away. Win blinks rapidly, what the fuck did just happen?


"I'm fine mae. How are you and dad? It's nice. I like it here. Phi Type? He's good. Phi Baii? He's good too...he is very good. He is... amazing. My voice? Oh I ate icecream today may be that's why. I miss you two very much. I'm not crying. I have to go now. Take care mae love you."

Win breaks in tears as he cuts the call and a photo of him and Bright flashes up on his screen. He doesn't remember how long has he been staring at his photo before his mae called but he knows for long enough to miss him even more.

Bright hasn't contacted Win for three days which means three days since Win has been the usual himself. All he knows is he had gone for a visit to the stadium the audition match will be played but it was supposed to be yesterday. Bright should have returned by now and definitely should have at least replied to his texts. And the photo Ohm showed him this morning isn't helping at all.

Win thinks he should have been used to abrupt, torturous silences Bright sometimes inflicts upon him but Win loses it everytime. Bright is his anchor and when he distances himself away, Win scatters; weak, despair and lifeless. In the strange city, Bright became his safety and without him, the air of the city itches Win's skin and he hates everything.

He hates himself when Bright pushes him away.

But Win cannot find it in himself to hate Bright for shutting him out, tugging him in and tripping his life upside down.

Win cries, swiping the photos he clicked the other day he took Bright to see sunset at a park. He remembers how he insisted Bright they should go there alone, without tagging other friends with them and how Bright asked him in his serious tone why and Win didn't know why.

He still doesn't.

But Bright laughed a lot that evening and Win knew they should do this more often.

He trailed his thumb across Bright's smiling face in his phone and cried a little more.

I miss you phi Baii. Why do I miss you so much?


"Mae told you I was crying? God she loves exaggerating things. I'm not a child phi. I can take care of myself."

Win keeps blabbering as Type enters his room, planting himself in his bed.

"Sure you can. But that doesn't mean I can't be worried about you, right? She said you are missing home."

Love At Every Sight [BRIGHTWIN]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz